Saturday, February 16, 2008
***** JIHAD WATCH *****
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Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive
At first glance this appears to be in clear violation of Islamic law, for punishment by burning is "Allah's punishment," and should not be used by humans -- as indicated by this hadith: Ali burnt some people and this news...
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Dinesh "If They Want Sharia, Let Them Have It" D'Souza does an about-face
You may recall that before the illustrious Dinesh D'Souza was a would-be C.S. Lewis, he was a would-be Bernard Lewis -- and in his disastrous book The Enemy At Home, surely a candidate to be named The Most Wrongheaded Book...
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Palestinian commander: Palestinians' war with the Jews is part of global jihad
He calls on Sunni Muslims to wage war against the unbelievers. Unbelievers. You mean, he thinks this struggle has something to do with religion? What are you, Al-Ghazzawi, some kind of Islamophobe? It's-Just-A-Nationalist-Struggle-For-Land Update: "Commander of Fath Al-Islam in Palestine:...
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Wait a minute. I thought the Zionists did it.
Palestinians? "'Syria arrests suspects in Mughniyeh assassination,'" from the Jerusalem Post (thanks to Louis): Syrian security forces have arrested several Palestinians suspects in connection with the assassination of Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh, a Lebanese security source told Reuters on Friday....
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Cartoon Rage in Hamastan
A Tiny Minority of Extremists™ in Gaza rages against free speech and free inquiry. From AP: Palestinian Hamas supporters march during a demonstration against the re-publication of drawings of the Prophet Muhammad in Danish newspapers, in Jebaliya, northern Gaza...
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Cartoon Rage in Pakistan
It's Friday, the Friday sermons have been delivered, and you know what that means... It's Rage Time! From AP: Pakistani men burn a Danish flag during a protest rally, Friday, Feb. 15, 2008, in Karachi, Pakistan. Angered over the...
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Rage Boy is back!
The world-famous professional protestor is back, aided and abetted by a complicit media, and he's raging lustily at the kuffar in the latest round of Muhammad Cartoon Rage. Once again, Brian C. Ledbetter at Snapped Shot is on the...
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"There once was a kafir named Steyn"
That's part of a limerick Pamela wrote for her introduction of Mark Steyn at CPAC. Read the rest here. Yes, I'm a bit late with this, but I just saw it, thanks to Michelle Malkin. And here's a column...
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Islamophobes mount twin suicide attacks at Iraq mosque, killing four
What's that? It wasn't Islamophobes who did this? It was Muslim-on-Muslim jihad violence? What are you, some kind of Islamophobe? "Twin suicide attacks at Iraq mosque kill four," from AFP (thanks to Sr. Soph): MOSUL, Iraq - A double attack...
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Fitzgerald: A tribute to Prince Bandar
Previously secret files describe how investigators were told they faced "another 7/7" and the loss of "British lives on British streets" if they pressed on with their inquiries and the Saudis carried out their threat to cut off intelligence. Prince...
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Saudi rulers threatened to make it easier for jihadists to attack London unless corruption investigations into their arms deals were halted
This ought to be front-page headline news all over the world. Why isn't it? And is the State Department looking into the implications of this? Or will Bush return hat-in-hand to Saudi Arabia, in the spirit of his recent (rejected)...
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John Esposito: Bernard Lewis, Daniel Pipes "among the Darth Vaders of the world"
But I'm just an "Islamophobe." What's the matter, John, didn't you get the memo? The above image was posted in 2005 by the Islamic Thinkers Society, the outfit that trampled on the flag on video and then wished painful torment...
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Denmark: "We don't know why they're rioting. I think it's because they're bored. Some people say it's because of the cartoons"
Burning cars makes it all better. Not better yet? Better burn more cars. Cartoon Rage Update. As usual, the demographics of the "youths" aren't even hinted at, beyond their being from a "predominantly immigrant area," until the issue of...
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***** DHIMMI WATCH *****
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Jihadists bomb Gaza YMCA library
Burning thousands of books. But who needs them, if they disagree with the Qur'an? "Militants bomb Gaza YMCA library," from the BBC (thanks to all who sent this in): Gunmen have attacked the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Gaza...
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Six sharia convicts await stoning death in Nigeria
Islam forbids stoning, say the disingenuous apologists in the West. But they do not say it to those who need to hear it, such as those who operate the Sharia Courts in Nigeria. Sharia Alert from Reuters (thanks to James):...
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Multiculturalism is making Britain 'a soft touch for terrorists'
A Stop-The-Presses! Alert from Dhimmi Britannia. From the Daily Mail (thanks to all who sent this in): Britain has become a soft touch for terrorists, leading defence experts warn today. The world-renowned Royal United Services Institute has delivered an unprecedented...
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John McCain armed Kosovo Islamic terrorists
Of course, helping the KLA was all the rage at one time, with the usual short-sightedness and Fantasy-Based Analysis that generally prevails in Washington. We can only hope that if McCain is elected (and I still rather suspect that the...
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Woman facing death in Saudi Arabia had allegedly "bewitched" a man into "sudden impotence"
That's nothing. Toto almost got neutered. Witchcraft! Sure, that's the most plausible explanation. More on this story. "Rights group urges Saudi king to spare woman convicted of 'witchcraft," from Agence France-Presse: DUBAI (AFP) — Human Rights Watch appealed to...
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