Tuesday, March 25, 2008
***** JIHAD WATCH *****
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Hizballah's Nasrallah: The Zionist entity can be wiped out of existence
Plan for genocide. "Nasrallah: The Zionist entity can be wiped out of existence," by Yoav Stern for Haaretz (thanks to Sr. Soph): Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Monday told tens of thousands of supporters in Beirut that Israel could be...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020439.php>
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CAIR exposed: "There is a difference between you saying 'I want to restore the '48 land' and when you say 'I want to destroy Israel'"
At last the whole truth is coming out about this malignant group. "CAIR Exposed: Part 1: As IAP Offshoot, CAIR Followed Pro-Hamas Agenda From the Start," by Steven Emerson for IPT News (thanks to all who sent this in): From...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020438.php>
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Jawa Report: "Pushing Back - My Conversation With Network Solutions"
"Kafir Alalazoo" writes at Jawa Report (thanks to Hot Air): I just spent 30-40 minutes on the phone with Network Solutions (based in PA), complaining about their removal of the fitnathemovie.com website. Ultimately, I was only able to get as...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020437.php>
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I hate to say "I told you so," but not too much
Remember Nadir Ahmed? He was the subject of my post entitled "Why Can't Muslims Debate?" From Alpha & Omega Ministries (thanks to PRCalDude): I went to Norfolk Virginia to attend the debate between Dr. White and Nadir Ahmed on the...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020436.php>
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No movie after all?
By now the idea is spreading all over the place that there is no movie Fitna, and never will be -- that Geert Wilders simply announced that there would be to expose Islamic intolerance. I have no direct knowledge either...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020435.php>
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Cheney: "Hamas is supported by Iran and Syria and...they're doing everything they can to torpedo the peace process"
Wow! What was your first clue, Mr. Vice President? And when will you take any notice of the fact that Fatah has shown no sign of honoring any peace agreement, either? "Cheney says Hamas torpedoes peacem" by Deb Riechmann for...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020434.php>
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Zawahri: "O Muslims. Today is your day. Hit the interest of the Jews and the Americans and all those who participated in the aggression against Muslims"
More threats from Al-Qaeda's #2 thug: "No one can say today that we should fight the Jews in Palestine only." "Zawahri urges anti-Isreal [sic] attacks over Gaza," from Reuters (thanks to Jeffrey Imm): DUBAI - Al QaedaÂ's second-in-command Ayman Al...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020433.php>
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Spencer Blogging the QurÂ'an: Sura 18, Â"The Cave,Â" verses 83-110
Alexander with horns Here's the latest, from Hot Air. Earlier segments here. As we saw two weeks ago, verses 83-101 of sura 18 were revealed after a group of rabbis devised a test for MuhammadÂ's claim to be a...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020431.php>
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Sure, I'll host it here
In my morning email many people are asking me if I will host Geert Wilders's Qur'an movie here at Jihad Watch. I haven't had any contact with Geert Wilders. He has not asked me to host the film. But if...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020429.php>
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Muslim baptized by pope says life in danger
No surprise there. More on Magdi Allam's conversion, in a story by Philip Pullella for Reuters (thanks to John): VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A Muslim author and critic of Islamic fundamentalism who was baptized a Catholic by Pope Benedict said...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020428.php>
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Network Solutions axed Qur'an movie site, but hosts Hizballah website
Jihad terrorists? Fine! A movie about the connection between the Qur'an and violent actions by Muslims? No way! In an update on this story, Jihad Watch reader CJN send me this: Just a bit of infomation about Network Solutions that...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020427.php>
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Islamic cleric: Beat up infidel tourists
Abu Bakar Bashir, the notorious Indonesian imam whose inflammatory statements and coddling by the Indonesian government we have featured here many times, is once again happily stirring up strife -- and doing so, nota bene, in the context of fidelity...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/020426.php>
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***** DHIMMI WATCH *****
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Fitzgerald: Reversing the roles of the Arabs and Israel
A Jihad Watch reader asked me: Â"If the Israel/Palestinian conflict were exactly the same as it is, only the roles of the two warring parties were exactly reversed, would you then switch allegiances to the Palestinian side?Â" Let's see. If...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/020432.php>
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Fatah giving cash grants to jihad terrorist "military wing"
After an infusion of American cash. But don't be concerned: they're moderate cash grants. "Americans paying rent for terrorists? Militants complain they don't have enough money to cover their bills," by Aaron Klein for WorldNetDaily (thanks to Doc Washburn): JERUSALEM...
Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/020430.php>
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