Al Q'aeda's new English speaking magazine INSPIRE, a professionally-produced magazine for faithful Jihadists like yours truly, cover and pages reproduced below, admitted that for all intents and purposes al Q'aeda has been defeated with the exception of small operations in Afghanistan. From the magazine you can learn how to make bombs in your mom's kitchen.
The violence in Lebanon, Yemen, and the DISPUTED territories in ISRAEL, according to Iraqi PM al Malaki and every sane person, is promoted by Iran - not al Q'aeda. Al Q'aeda's American spokesman recommends their international cells to give up spectacular operations such as blowing up entire cities, after all they have all failed, and get real: shootings in cafeterias and the use of kitchen knives with which they should go on stabbing sprees. I'm reminded daily why Americans say: Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. It should get really interesting as fifteen Americans with .50 Desert Eagles blow away the towel head as he runs about screaming Allahu Akhbar!
Now the only question remaining is, WHO exactly defeated al Q'aeda? Was he this man?:
Or....May I suggest a clue for "liberals" and libertarians who actually believe their own drivel:
LESSON: Never pick up a liberal.
He will either curse you or cry when
the truth is told him!
NEXT: You may have not heard, but before America invaded the Muslim World, there never was war. Muslims never slaughtered Christians or Jews for 1400 years before America was Founded two hundred years ago. And here is TRUTH for ya: Every war America fought for was over lithium batteries for your iPods. Betcha didn't know that!
Whether it’s Salon,, or the phony has-been wrestler Jesse Ventura, anti-war left-wingers insist America invented every war in existence, because America seeks world dominance and battery power.
These leftists are 9/11 truthers, birthers, and anti-Semites. They are adored by white supremacists, and include every radical fringe element hiding in their mother’s basement.
Here are examples of extremism by two leftists: Glenn Greenwald and Jesse Ventura.
1. War and Terror Never Existed Until George W. Bush
Radical Libertarian Lew Rockwell published Glenn Greenwald’s latest column, “They Hate Us For Our Occupations,” claiming America created violence in the Muslim world by being a war-mongering occupier.
Rockwell advertised the anti-war piece as “What is Wrong with Muslims?” But Rockwell and Salon never discuss the fact that Islam has consistently attacked the West for 1,400 years, attempting world domination and extermination of Jews and Christians; rather, the two spew anti-American hate, calling America an imperialist conqueror justifying illegal wars by using Islamic terrorism as an excuse.
The column starts by rehashing Greenwald’s 2009 Salon piece, “A Rumsfeld-Era Reminder About What Causes Terrorism,”:
The primary rationale for remaining—and escalating [the war]—in Afghanistan is the same all-purpose justification offered for virtually everything the U.S. has done since 2001: Terrorism. Apparently, the way to solve the Terrorist threat is by sending 60,000 more American troops into a Muslim country and committing to at least five more years of war there. That, so the pro-escalation reasoning goes, will make us safer.Leftists claim it’s anti-American to retaliate against threats and attacks, contending that George W. Bush invented Islamic violence in 2001. Greenwald needs to re-read history. America has been attacked by Islam for 40 years: from the late 1960’s to 9/11, with attacks still continuing. Before 9/11, America negotiated, arrested, and imprisoned as if terrorism is a misdemeanor.
Now we provide terrorists the U.S. court system so they can sue after attacking us.
The Iraq War is considered illegal Bush/Cheney/Obama war-mongering and mass murder, despite Saddam’s decades of mass murdering. No matter, he was never a threat; Saddam pretended to gas, torture, imprison, and bury humans in mass graves. Civilians never died in war until 2001. America is the threat.
Greenwald claims Rumsfeld’s Commission report proves America created Islamic violence:
In 2004, Donald Rumsfeld directed the Defense Science Board Task Force to review the impact …the administration’s policies—specifically the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—were having on Terrorism and Islamic radicalism. They issued a report in September, 2004…it vigorously condemned the Bush/Cheney approach as entirely counter-productive… worsening the terrorist threat those policies purportedly sought to reduce. The Task Force…[said] the ’underlying sources of threats to America’s national security…’ [are] the ‘negative attitudes’ towards the U.S. in the Muslim world and ‘the conditions that create them…’ what most exacerbates anti-American sentiment, and…the threat of Terrorism? ‘American direct intervention in the Muslim world’ –through our ‘one sided support in favor of Israel…’ and… ‘the American occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan…The Task Force took sides with Islam over Israel, giving Islamic violence justification as American government officials apologized, yet again, for America fighting evil to save the world.
Typical leftists, be they radical libertarians or Democrats, do not support the prevention of terrorism: to do so is mass murder. Radical libertarians only love America when they fight to lower taxes, end the Fed, and eliminate government excess. Other than that, they are fundamentally anti-American left-wingers.
Greenwald followed up the rant with his latest published in and He writes:
[A] new, comprehensive study from Robert Pape, a University of Chicago political science professor and former Air Force lecturer, substantiates what is…already bleedingly obvious and…known to the U.S. Government for many years: namely, that the prime cause of suicide bombings is not Hatred of Our Freedoms or Inherent Violence in Islamic Culture or a Desire for Worldwide Sharia Rule by Caliphate, but rather…foreign military occupations.So Mohammad was a peaceful warmonger who lovingly slaughtered Jews?
Greenwald says Pape proves Islamic attacks against America are America’s fault:
We have lots of evidence…when you put the foreign military presence in, it triggers suicide terrorism campaigns, … and that when the foreign forces leave, it takes away almost 100% of the terrorist campaign, further saying Obama has made suicide bombings increase with additional troop presence.Obama increased suicide bombings? No matter who is president, Islam has always attacked non-Muslims, and consistently bombs Israel for conquer.
American Middle East presence does not escalate Islamic terror. America is not 1,400 years-old. Pape may want to research further if he wants an honest assessment of who actually started Middle Eastern and worldwide terror and why it continues to this day.
Greenwald snidely disagrees:
Isn’t Muslim culture just so bizarre, primitive, and inscrutable…they actually seem to dislike it when foreign militaries bomb, invade and occupy their countries, and Western powers interfere in their internal affairs by overthrowing and covertly manipulating their governments, imposing sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands of Muslim children, and arming their enemies. Therefore…the solution to Terrorism is…interfere more in their countries …continuing to occupy, bomb, invade, assassinate, lawlessly imprison and control them… that’s the only way we can Stay Safe. There are people over there…angry at us for what we’re doing in their world…we need …[ more war] to eradicate the anger. That’s the core logic of the War on Terror. How is that working out?Had America retaliated for prior attacks, perhaps 9/11 could have been prevented and America would not be dealing with threats from an Iranian dictator who massacres Muslims protesting in Tehran streets, while preventing Western coverage, because Islam-loving leftists might see what the Muslim world actually does to human beings.
2. Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory: America Goes to War for Lithium Batteries
Phony wrestler-turned-failed mayor-turned-failed-governor, Jesse Ventura, can now claim the title Official Leader of Libertarian Tin Foil Capped Conspiracy Theorists.
Ventura’s new theory: war for lithium, and it is by far the looniest.
Ventura knows why America went to war after 9/11: lithium. Ventura claims the United States planned 9/11 in order to create wars against Afghanistan and Iraq “so we could steal their lithium for our batteries and computers.”
On Thursday October 14, 2010, Fox Business News’ Eric Bolling interviewed Ventura about his crazy theories, which proved nuttier by the minute, as Ventura claimed all wars are concocted, going so far as to claim Mainland China never invaded Japan, or vice versa. Rather, Japan was so desperate for war, they made up Chinese invasions as an excuse to invade America, who created Pearl Harbor for the excuse to enter World War II.
The fact Ventura was elected governor of a state proves this country needs to think twice when standing at the polls.
After decades of attacks on Americans and our military by the Muslim world, and 1,400 years of constant war against the Western world, America went to war against Afghanistan for one reason: America needs lithium to power laptops, cell phones, and mp3 players. That is America’s excuse for fighting terrorism.
I just want to be clear, we did not go to war to stop terrorism or steal oil (we still have yet to acquire from Iraq); we are at war to save the AA batteries.
Ventura could use a different kind of lithium.
If the lithium theory is true, Afghanistan would be second in wealth to Saudi Arabia, making America crawl and beg for battery power.
Ventura is adamant about his leftist libertarian theories: America created 9/11 and blew up the World Trade Center. Listening to Ventura rant about 9/11 conspiracies is no different than listening to Rosie O’Donnell’s steel can’t melt theory, which was debunked by scientists, or other Hollywood elitists, who claim the War On Terror was invented for money and world domination. All leftists, be they Democrat or Radical Libertarian, believe America is the evil empire controlling the world and inventing wars for oil.
Bolling, who witnessed the attacks and lost friends, tried to reason with the nutty Prairie Home Companion to no avail. Bolling said, “3,000 people died on 9/11,” to which Ventura loudly interjected: “That’s right, and who really killed them; who really killed them; who really killed them!”
Bowling replied: “Who really killed them? It was radical Muslims who flew planes in the World Trade Center that killed them.”
Ventura angrily disagreed. Ventura never gave substantial evidence to back up his theories, because none exists; all he did was prove conspiracy theorists are as unhinged as their wild, uneducated conspiracies.
The left-wing, anti-war Ventura needs to remove the tin foil cap and get out of his basement once in a while to see there is a specific group of people on the planet—Muslims— who hate non-Muslims (they murder their own trying to be free of the radical religion). They have been trying to conquer the West over the last 1,400 years. Islam does not care about oil or lithium; they live solely for Koran verses and the written demands taught to them by Imams.
America did not create Islamic violence or 9/11, history proves this, but Ventura staunchly disagrees.
To prove the U.S. blew up the World Trade Center and not Islam, Ventura pulled out a photo of the collapsing towers, asking Bolling, “what do you see, a collapsing building or a building being blown up?” Bolling said he saw what he witnessed in person on 9/11: “buildings collapsing.” Ventura angrily demanded the buildings “never collapsed, they were blown up by the U.S. government.”
Ventura insists 9/11 was planned: “it was our entrance into Afghanistan, because America needed lithium,” which is apparently abundant in Afghan mines. We were desperate “to power” our American “batteries and computers,” so “America started a war so we could steal their lithium.”
Now it all makes sense to me. George W. Bush was furious, because his TV remote went on the blink, so, he started a war just before the 2001 World Series began. In fact he made sure the first game would be stalled so he could steal enough lithium for TV remotes, that way American men would not lose their minds and be forced to watch Lifetime TV for Women.
Bolling attempted logic with Ventura about the 9/11 attack, terrorism, and wars, but Ventura refused to hear any statistical evidence disproving the theories he needs to promote his new Conspiracy Theory TV show.
Ventura and Greenwald, like all leftists, believe wars are illegal, America invented war, 9/11 is America’s fault, we made it happen, and we are murderers stealing from other nations for super power.
These leftists prefer evil destroy the world they believe is a haven of natural resources America is trying to conquer. The truth is, the Left needs war to breed Western guilt. It funds expensive anti-war/anti-American protests, Web sites, and conspiracy theory TV shows used to claim America invented terror and Islamic violence.
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