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McCain, Obama To Make Joint Appearance In August at Saddleback Church Posted: 21 Jul 2008 01:09 PM CDT On August 16, 2008, John McCain and Barack Obama will make their first joint appearance at the Saddleback Church for the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion, hosted by the founding pastor of the church. Dr. Rick Warren, who is the founding pastor of the 22,000 member mega-church will be moderating the event. Due to a coin toss, Barack Obama will start off by speaking directly with Warren for one hour. The format was requested by both candidates and Warren will be presenting the questions alone, no panel or audience members will be allowed to question the candidates and each candidate will converse with Warren without interruption. In the press release sent to journalists from PRNewswire (Membership required to read it), Warren states, "We're honored that the candidates chose The Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion for their first joint appearance, an unprecedented opportunity for America to hear both men back-to-back on the same platform. This is a critical time for our nation and the American people deserve to hear both candidates speak from the heart -- without interruption -- in a civil and thoughtful format absent the partisan 'gotcha' questions that typically produce heat instead of light. The primaries proved that Americans care deeply about the faith, values, character and leadership convictions of candidates as much as they do about the issues. While I know both men as friends and they recognize I will be frank, but fair, they also know I will be raising questions in these four areas beyond what political reporters typically ask. This includes pressing issues that are bridging divides in our nation, such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, climate and human rights." In conjunction with this Civil Forum event, there will also be an interfaith meeting at the Saddleback Church with about 30 Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders convening to discuss topics and projects for the good of all Americans. "While debates typically focus primarily on the candidates' positions and only secondarily on how they'd lead and make decisions, this Saddleback Civil Forum will reverse that ratio," Warren continued. "Since the oath of the President is a commitment to protect the Constitution, it's critical to know how each candidate interprets the nature of its principles. Leadership involves far more than promoting programs and making speeches, and since no one can predict what crises will happen over the next four years, it is vital to know the decision capacity and process of each man." The event will be two hours long running from 5-7 p.m. (PDT) on August 16, 2008. In a note to editors, the press release says that further information about the event as well as a on-site coverage credentialing form, will be provided at www.RickWarrenNews.com. More at Fox News, The Trail, and The New York Times. . |
Plurality Of Americans Believe Journalists Are Trying To Help Barack Obama Win Posted: 21 Jul 2008 11:56 AM CDT 49 percent of American voters believe that reporters are trying to help Barack Obama win the November elections. That is 5 percentage points higher than the data from the month before. 30 percent disagree with that assessment and 25 percent are not sure. Slightly less that a quarter of voters (24 percent) believe that reporters try to be objective. A plurality of Democrats—37%-- say most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage of the campaign. Twenty-seven percent (27%) believe most reporters are trying to help Obama and 21% in Obama's party think reporters are trying to help McCain. In contrast with this, only 14 percent of voters think that reporters are trying to help John McCain. Half of the Democrats trust the information they read in the media and among Republicans and unaffiliated (neither Democrat or Republicans) the word of family and friends is trusted more than what the media reports. These results are consistent with earlier surveys finding that large segments of the population believe the media is biased. A separate survey done by Rasmussen shows that 50 percent of voters believe that the media deliberately tries to make the economy sound worse than it is and that a plurality (41 percent) believe that reporters also try to make the war in Iraq appear "worse that it really is". 26 percent say reporters have made it look better than reality and 25 percent think they've portrayed it accurately. [Update] A CBS report confirms these findings as they show that "the Project For Excellence In Journalism took a weekly look at 300 political stories in newspapers, magazines and television. In 77 percent of the stories, Obama played an important role, and 51 percent featured McCain. " In looking at the report itself from the Project For Excellence In Journalism, I see the number for McCain has dropped as Obama's coverage has remained the same. One other trend to emerge last week was that Democrat Obama again received more coverage than Republican McCain. Obama was at least a significant presence in fully 77% of the campaign stories studied, compared with 48% for McCain. This confirms the Rasmussen findings. . |
Barack Obama To Be Protected By Terror Group Posted: 21 Jul 2008 10:37 AM CDT The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades are Palestinian militias in the West Bank that have been officially listed as a terror group by Canada, the European Union, Japan, Israel and the United States. This group has been assigned to protect Barack Obama. Israel, via their Defense Forces, working in conjunction with U.S. Security coordinators, will protect the main West Bank highway that Obama will be traveling on to approach Ramallah, then his security will be turned over to the Palestinians with security being planned with the U.S. security forces. According to security officials coordinating deployments of forces with the PA for Obama's Ramallah visit, members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's declared military wing, have been called upon by the PA to participate in the protection of Obama, particularly in securing the perimeter during a scheduled meeting with PA President Mahmoud Abbas. I wonder if standing side by side with members of al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades will be included in the "photo ops" that the media has been publishing about Obama's trip. Terrorists guarding the Democratic presumptive nominee.... now that is change I can believe in. . |
Posted: 21 Jul 2008 08:53 AM CDT ![]() If it's Monday, Run for the Fallen must be in Longton, KS. Since June 14, 2008, Flag Day, a dedicated team of runners has been running across America from Fort Irwin, CA to Arlington National Cemetery, one mile for every Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, and Marine killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. For ten weeks, team members are marking each mile with an American flag and signcard in an apolitical reflection of remembrance of each service member. Go read the rest here. Brat *Yes, it is cross-posted everywhere! |
Media's Constant Barack Obama- Osama bin Laden Confusion Posted: 20 Jul 2008 07:35 PM CDT The media seems to have a problem of confusing Barack Obama with Osama bin Laden, with the latest instance being on the Morning Joe show on MSNBC, where Dan Rather made the mistake and no one on the Morning Joe cast corrected him. Video at YouTube and shown below: This is not the first time media personalities have made the mistake of referring to Barack Obama as Osama, although this time it was the full name, Osama bin Laden that was said. In this most recent instance, Dan rather was asked about the whole Jesse Jackson-Barack Obama snafu and he replied, "I have a great respect for Jesse Jackson, that he was an important figure for paving the way for Osama bin Laden to appear...", he continued his sentence but no one on the Morning Joe show bothered to correct him. This is not an isolated incident either. This week alone it happened three times, on Monday, Chris Matthews did it, on Wednesday Charles Krauthammer did it and on Friday it was Dan Rather, discussed above. TVNewser has been keeping track and the numbers might surprise some people. This brings the total, according to our records: Three on MSNBC's air, three on FNC, two on CNN, one on ABC and one on NBC. Are we missing any? No one is accusing these folks of doing it deliberately (except in the case of Fox News, many have accused them of doing it on purpose) but it leaves TVNewswer asking what many believe is a valid question, "Is it really that difficult?" . |
Posted: 20 Jul 2008 07:15 PM CDT ![]() Cross posted from Radarsite http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/07/good-son.html Mom and Dad are going through some hard times these days. So, it occurred to me to take this opportunity to say a few words on their behalf. Now, I love you Mom and Dad, and I appreciate all that you've done for me. You've nurtured me and protected me and you've taught me many things. One of the most important things you've taught me is the necessity of being honest. No matter how difficult it may be we must always look at things honestly. And it's in that spirit that I'm making these remarks. You're going through some tough times right now -- but, Mom and Dad, I have to say this -- most of the difficulties you find yourselves facing today are of your own making. You've been successful in life and have accumulated many things. Things which a lot of our neighbors would love to have, but don't. But rather than being respectful of their feelings, you've purposely flaunted your wealth in their faces. Then you wonder why they don't like you. Instead of trying to think of ways that you could perhaps make their lives a little better, you just keep on accumulating more and more things. In short, you've been very selfish. And Dad, I hate to say this, but the manner in which you've built up your little empire here was not always above board, was it? If fact, I think it would be fair to say that you've cheated a lot of people who were supposed to be your friends. It seems to me that all you've ever cared about was lining your own pockets, and to hell with the other guy. Now, I know I've benefited from this largess, but I don't feel too good about that. In fact, I feel pretty ashamed of it all. That's why I've been siding more and more with those poor people whom you've victimized. I feel it's never too late to make amends, and I'm willing to do my part to make things right. You've had it your way for a long time now. But now things are changing. And now to you, Mom. You know how much I love you, Mom, but you also know that you've made some pretty big mistakes in your life. You've been blessed with many things. You've lived a life of luxury and privilege. But you've also been thoughtlessly ostentatious and insensitive to other people's feelings. You have, I hate to say it, rubbed your good fortune in their faces. While some of our less fortunate friends and neighbors were worrying about whether or not they would have enough food on the table for dinner that night, you've pranced around town with your fine clothes and expensive furs; then you wonder why they dislike you. And although I certainly won't go into all the gory details, you have to admit that there have been many times in your pampered life when your actions have been, shall we say, somewhat outrageous and provocative. Then you wonder why our friends and neighbors question your morality. So, there you have it, folks. I consider myself a good son, and that's why I've had to say these things to you, even though they may be unpleasant. I love you and I care about you, but you're never going to get out of your present difficulties until you face the truth about yourselves. Mom and Dad, you've been selfish and self-centered, dishonest and immoral. You've never considered other people's feelings, only your own. And now, all these people, these good neighbors of ours, who should have been our best friends, have grown to despise you. And, I must say, I'm beginning to understand their feelings. There are some people out there, I'm sure, who think that by my talking this way about my own Mom and Dad I'm somehow being disloyal. That couldn't be further from the truth. I love them and I care about them deeply; I care enough about them to tell them the truth. Because, until they can face the truth about themselves their troubles will only increase and multiply. Here's wishing you all the best, Mom and Dad, sincerely, The Good Son. ![]() http://www.suntimes.com/news/blogentries/index.html?bbPostId=Cz1Gv91h41vGFCz16NNhbwsU29Cz9xWd1sM06sCBBET6WAxVZv0&bbParentWidgetId=B8k88rWwXopuz5STgLeV . |
Keeping Our Eyes on the Rapid Islamification of Germany Posted: 20 Jul 2008 03:36 PM CDT As Radical Islam Mobilizes in Germany We Must Understand Why America is so Vulnerable.Here’s an excerpt from a thought-provoking article by an elitist lefty who can’t help using the overused phrase “right-wing xenophobes” even when he has to admit that increasing numbers of left-wing xenophiles also fear this rapid Muslim take over in Germany.As you read this excerpt please note that Germany already has 163 existing traditional mosques and there is now planned construction for 180 more mosques – many planned for areas with little Islamic population.
Here the excerpt from Not in My Backyard, Say an Increasing Number of Germans: (Bold highlights and comments added by me)
(Excuse me. I just had to jump in here. For the sake of harmony??? Isn’t that exactly what the Christian Left is promoting in America today???)
(You’d think some rational lefty xenophiles in America might take note! Ok ,forget rational. They really do see their leaders flying on the backs of Unicorns.)
(Obvious Answer: To intimidate, overtake, and finally to convert or kill the Infidels.)
(America take note! This isn’t just about religious freedom. It’s about what constitutes a religion – which has never been defined in the American constitution. Does our American Constitution, which offers blanket and unquestioning protection of religious freedom, create the very means by which the destruction of American sovereignty can be accomplished? Please read Why America Must Define Religion.)
Source: http://www.subchat.com/otchat/read.asp?Id=337112 After reading the above you might get a wistful smile when you read the fawning Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun magazine, and chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, as he hopefully describes the words of King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia, explaining how we must achieve religious cooperation . . . Note: Note: Xenophilia – “A disorder involving inordinate attraction to that which is foreign, even to the detriment of one’s own person, family, or nation.” Xenophile – A person who has an inordinate attraction to that which is foreign, even to the detriment of one’s person, family, or nation. Join the Christians Against Leftist Heresy blogroll sponsored by Faultline USA Cross-posted from Faultline USATechnorati Tags: Islam,Islamification,Germany,Xenophobes,Xenophiles,mosques,Rabbi Michael Lerner,King Abdullah |
Barack Obama Snubbing the Foreign Press Posted: 20 Jul 2008 03:09 PM CDT According to Christoph von Marschall, who is the Washington bureau chief of Der Tagesspiegel, a German daily newspaper, Barack Obama has been snubbing the Foreign Press. Phone calls and emails ignored, and von Marschall says, "We Don't Matter". Barring that reason, von Marschall also wonders if Obama's refusal to speak with the foreign press and answer questions from them could stem from arrogance at "being so close to power." Then von Marschall says he was told by a campaign adviser to Obama "Why should we take the time for foreign media, since there is Obamania around the world?" He does mention two examples from early spring where Obama allowed at least one foreign on a trip to Ohio and Texas, but says that has now changed as well. He says to a certain point he finds it understandable since the readers of the foreign press cannot vote in American elections so that makes them less important to US politicians, although he does mention that John McCain has given many interviews to the International Press as has Hillary Clinton and that President Bush commonly holds round-table interviews with media from the countries to which he travels. Von Marschall states, "Only Obama dismisses us so consistently." He contends that email requests, or questions, go unanswered and phones calls are not returned from the Obama campaign and he continues on to say, "We are last in line. We don't matter." He ends his Washington Post editorial by saying, "Surely a man who has said he would talk with U.S. adversaries such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can spend a few moments with journalists from friendlier countries." Although Von Marschall calls this a "dirty little secret", the fact that it is in the Washington Post, on Sunday, even though it is on page B07, pretty much guarantees that it isn't a secret any longer. . |
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