Wake up America |
Obama's 'Mojo' Went The Way Of Paris and Britney's 'Mojo' Posted: 31 Jul 2008 11:05 AM CDT Our friend Andrew from LA Times' Top of the Ticket asks where Barack Obama's mojo went. The title is his answer..the mojo went where Paris Hilton's mojo went, where Britney Spears' mojo went, where everyones mojo, who is inundated with news coverage, bad and good, goes. Yesterday when I saw the ad associating Barack Obama with Paris and Britney, after I laughed, I thought....exactly. Here is ad in question, via YouTube and shown below. This ad does two things, it brings up the point that Obama is against offshore drilling, while the majority of the American public is for it, and tells of Obama's propensity to think higher taxes is the key to solving everything. The second thing it does is show something we brought up yesterday, Obama has bought his own "rock star, messiah, golden child" hype and even the media has noticed and mentioned it. McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, sent an email out to supporters, which said, "As you and I know, simply attracting large crowds of fans with empty rhetoric doesn't prepare a person to lead a country. The more we get to know the real Barack Obama, the more he shows that he is not ready to lead our country." Character, when trying to obtain the most powerful office in the United states, is just as important as policy issues because that is a person that represents the country to the world and although Obama was largely an unknown entity before this campaign season, thanks to the media fawning all over him, he is not unknown any longer. The American people now know that he can speak well, but they also know that he changes his mind on the turn of a dime even to the point of angering his most ardent base (think FISA here), he speaks without thinking then claims that he "phrased" things badly and didn't really mean his words they way they came out (think undivided Jerusalem here), his associations (think Wright, Rezko, Meeks, Pfleger, Ayers....etc) have been scrutinized almost as strongly as Britney's lack of wearing underwear was. Scrutiny is a good thing and the information obtained from that scrutiny is what has happened to that mojo that Andrew asks about. Barack Obama has become a prima donna, criticisms and pointing out his character flaws is automatically a "smear" in his and his supporters minds and mentioning his complete inexperience is considered racism because they cannot counter the argument, screaming racism is the best they can do. It is Obama himself and his supporters that bring race into every argument. He has angered Hill Democrats and annoyed the press with his attitude. He has told middle America they cling to their guns and religion because they are bitter and he has gone back on his word to his own supporters. His mojo was gone as soon as the media decided to focus on their love child to the exclusion of almost everything else because when you shone a spotlight on a person, their flaws become apparent. The Politico declares that the "GOP's celeb-Obama message gains traction"...they are right, the Obama celebrity message is resounding with the public, as evidenced by David Letterman's skit of the "Top Ten Signs Barack Obama is Overconfident". 1. Proposed bill to change Oklahoma to "Oklobama" 2. Offered Bush 20 bucks for the "Mission Accomplished" banner 3. Asked guy at Staples, "Which chair will work best in an oval-shaped office?" 4. The affair with Barbara Walters 5. Having head measured for Mount Rushmore 6. Guy sits around eating soup all day 7. He's voting for Nader 8. Offered McCain a job in gift shop at Obama Presidential Library 9. Announced his running mate will be Andy Dick 10. Been cruising for chicks with John Edwards The problem with The Politico's headline though is that it wasn't the GOP's message, it was Obama's message, the GOP just pointed it out. It was Obama that decided to change venues for the last day of the DNC convention to a "larger" stadium for a bigger audience. It was Obama that decided to take a full media entourage on his overseas "fact finding" trip, it was Obama that decided to speak to tens of thousands of non American voters in Berlin, Germany. It was Obama that declared "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions." Obama and his campaign, with his supporters are the ones that made the "celebrity" message resonate and now they are whining that the McCain campaign noticed it and highlighted it? Obama is now being laughed at by comedians and audiences across the spectrum, just as Britney was when she was caught without underwear and when she shaved her head, just as Paris was when that video surfaced. That is the problem when you try to become a celebrity, it works, it gets noticed and it gets spoken about. . |
Another fire - another call for help Posted: 31 Jul 2008 10:05 AM CDT Yes, another fire has taken EVERYTHING some of our troops have. This time it is an army unit in Iraq. Excerpts from the calls for help I got: It is ... Army and they are at FOB ****** which is somewhere in Baghdad and a pit hole to begin with.... I combined a few different emails to put this together - but the main point is that these guys lost EVERYTHING. If you can help with any of this - or donate money to help cover costs of the stuff that has also ready gone out via Soldiers' Angels - please email me at: tankerbrosbrat@gmail.com or my personal email addy if you know me well enough to have that.;) If I know you, I can give you a direct POC. If I don't know you, I'll give you the gmail addy of the person within SA who is co-ordinating this one. Let's get THIS one done. Thank you! HOO-frickin-AAAH! |
Looking for Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers and Marines... Posted: 31 Jul 2008 01:12 AM CDT Could this be you, or someone you know? From an email I got:
Someone made time for our wounded troops Posted: 30 Jul 2008 07:48 PM CDT Found the following over at Mudville Gazette (via Blackfive.lol). As I comment on Mudville, I won't be holding my breath waiting for this to be on the front pages of any msm, but as I have said before, who needs the old media anyway? Read on:
Posted: 30 Jul 2008 05:08 PM CDT With the planned protests from a variety of groups to be held during the Democratic National Convention, the CIAC will be operating 24 hours a day and be fully staffed with up to eight intelligence analysts at any given time. CIAC personnel also take reports of suspicious activities from citizens and other police departments. If a report is deemed by analysts to require additional investigation, it is shared with the appropriate law enforcement officials, but if a report is not determined to merit further inspection, CIAC workers make a log of the event, according to Clem, essentially creating a massive collection of data, some of it reliable and some of it not. There has been much talk about the planned protests that will coincide with the Democratic National Convention. Re-create 68 is planning to protest, some Clinton supporters have vowed to be there and anti-war activists, angry that the Democrats have funded the Iraq war further, have also promised to protest. The concern of Colorado officials has caused certain security measures to be discussed, such as chains, quick-setting cement, homemade locking devices that are resistant to bolt cutters and "any noxious substance", according to City Council members. Other precautions being implemented are the use of fences to be built around the area where the protesters will be allowed to gather. That measure was criticized by the ACLU and other groups who brought suit against officials for those preparations According to U.S. Secret Service agent Steven Hughes, who is overseeing security for the convention attendees, there will also be a fence to surround an area where delegates, VIPs, former presidents, and others with credentials for the convention will pass, his reasoning being so that no explosive objects can be hurled over the fences. He continues to say, "As delegates arrive, we want to offer them the opportunity to walk safely into the Pepsi Center. We don't extend our perimeter further than we believe is necessary." Other concerns expressed by members of the Re-create 68 crowd and other activists is their belief that the Government will use what they term as "Brown Notes" on them. Legend has it has the Brown Note is an infrasonic frequency believed to resonate through human body parts and cause a loss of bowel control. The scene is set and news today shows us that the CIAC is planning to step up their intelligence gathering operations during the Democratic National Convention, to keep the officials attending the convention safe. "CIAC is going to be expanding hours for physical presence in the office," Clem says about the convention. "Any known threats specifically related to the convention are going to go right to the United States Secret Service and FBI, but CIAC is going to be there to take any reports that citizens have." Once again though, activists are expressing concern about the heightened security measures being implemented. When the Democratic National Convention is held in August, CIAC will be operating 24 hours a day and be fully staffed with up to eight intelligence analysts at any given time. Some civil libertarians claim that the reports that the intelligence agencies might be investigating could just be anti-war protesters or "photographing federal facilities that could be targeted for terrorist attack". They are also expressing worry that the CIAC will be spying on Americans exercising their First Amendment rights at the convention. The four days of the Democratic convention are guaranteed to be busy and probably hectic as well with the events going on inside, the protests outside and the massive security being implemented to keep the members of the Democratic party safe. The security measures have both pros and cons associated with them. On one hand they have critics claiming that some of those measures are infringing on their first amendment rights and on the other hand the government does have a responsibility to the members of the Democratic party and all those attending the Democratic National Convention, to keep them safe. The balancing act will be for officials to manage to find the middle ground so they do not infringe on first amendment rights and they do keep the attendees safe. . |
Posted: 30 Jul 2008 04:51 PM CDT http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/07/what-do-you-tell-demons.html Radarsite is fortunate to have made a lot of good friends in this small part of the blogosphere. Many of these friends and fellow bloggers are veterans. Some from the deadly jungles of Vietnam. And some from unheralded battles and wars that must still remain classified. These people are special. They all seem to share some common fundamental traits: a certain toughness of mind, coupled with a deep hard-won humility. And one common trait which I particularly value -- an absolute and uncompromising self-honesty, and a correspondingly low threshold for bulls**t. It's almost as though they've developed a sixth sense that picks it up immediately. This is one of the reasons why it pays to listen to their opinions and to heed their warnings. They are coming to you directly without interference from the ego. Our good friend Snooper is one of these special people. For those of you who know him you are familiar with the sound of his voice. And it's an impressive sound, isn't it? It gets your attention immediately. It reaches right out and grabs you. There's no equivocation there, no fumbling ambiguities. Just dead on truth. His truth. And if you don't like it, tough. Men like this seldom wax nostalgic. They seldom complain, they rarely talk about their feelings or their fears. But on those rare occasions when they do, we listen. And we listen closely. This is one of those times. This particular posting took me completely off guard. It 'reached out and grabbed me'. It is something special. Something we don't see every day. Something we will remember. I am posting this short essay of Snooper's today in honor of all of those friends of ours who have learned what truth really means. Those who have served and have sacrificed, and who, in their very private moments in the darkness still serve and still sacrifice. - rg ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By Snooper Cross posted from A Newt One A Newt One Many years ago, there came a point in my life when I had to deal with the demons that came to me from time to time once and for all. They still appear from time to time but I know what to say to them now to dispense with their intent to destroy anything they are set out to destroy. And no, I am not talking about some grotesque monster or some sabre-toothed, four-eyed beast-man nor am I referring to some anti-angelic supernatural presence. I am talking about things that cannot be described unless someone has experienced the same events. I am referring to memories triggered by people, places and things beyond my control. I am talking about fighting the "what if" or the "if I had only done this differently" syndrome(s). Those that have met me don't really know who I am but yet I sense that they sense things about me...kind of hard to explain that but there it is. Those that have read selected readings from my manuscript know a little bit more about me but have a stronger sense as to who I am. Those that have read my articles, pieces and blog posts might think they have an inside track as to a beginning of a glimpse into the Real Me. Years ago, an individual that I respected very deeply asked me a question during a time of reckoning in my life. He asked, "What do you tell the demons when they come out at night?" The question floored me because at the time, we were doing the deal for God, Flag and Country. We were marking targets. We were observing enemy movements. We were plotting their very demise. My answer was, "I tell them to kiss my ass". We laughed and never spoke of it again. Until. There was nothing for us to fear really because after all, we owned the night. Demons? Screw them. Until. A short time later, we watched a movie entitled "In The Line Of Fire". It had our hero Clint Eastwood in it so naturally it just had to be a good flick. Yes? Certainly. Until. Until "Frank" asked the "Bad Guy" a question: "What do you see in the dark when the demons come?" The answer? "I see you". We didn't remember much of the movie thereafter because we looked at each other in complete amazement and our world crumbled before us. The cat was out of the bag. One can only suppress so many things for a specific period of time until the bottom drops out from under you. No one knows when that will take place but take place it will.The dialog just before that question and answer period is as follows: "They made you into a real monster didn't they?" "That's right. And now they want to destroy me because we can't have monsters running around the quiet countryside now can we?" (audio file here) Does that give you chills? Does it? Does it not? I have seen this movie several times since and that particular part of the movie to this day sends chills up and down my spine because that movie started my "associate" and I on our long journey of recovery.He has since passed on to the Soldier's Lair having died where he wanted to, on the beaches of Australia almost two years ago. I will miss him but, before he left for Australia, he asked me to promise that I will never give up the fight and I swore an Oath to him, knowing that I would never see him again on this planet, that I would Soldier On. We shook hands, hugged and saluted our last. And, I - Soldier On. Will you Soldier On? Will you Embrace The Suck? I believe that I have more insight than most into that which we face in this nation at this current time in the cosmos. Barack Hussein Obama or, Czarbama as I have come to call him, is America's latest Demon. What will we say to our children and our children's children when they ask us, "Why did we sit idly by and allow this cretin to become president and destroy the last hope of freedom in the world?" As this country spirals down into some allusively morphed form of socio-communist-American liberal tyranny, what will you say to the demons as they come to you at night as you lay in bed kicking yourself in the ass for not standing up and fighting?The time has come to choose sides. Will you be a part of the American Awakening or will you sit idly by and let others do the dirty work because it is too inconvenient to turn the TV off? In this era of the pollsters knowing absolutely nothing, will you sit idly by and allow the politicians under a Leftinistra veto-proof Congress with a Marxist Thug Demon as in Czarbama at the helm bring about forced servitude of those between the ages of 18 and 42? Is this your Grand Scheme? And, it is a Good Plan? Not hardly. We saw how well that worked in 2006, didn't we? Why are Conservatives so stupid at times anyway? We all know why the Unions - read that Teamsters - all favor the Democrats, I mean Leftinistra, don't we? We do know that union wages are tied to minimum wage, don't we? We do know that union wages are set to be at times 6 times the minimum wage, don't we? Is it any wonder why the labor unions suck up to the socialists? Can you spell useful morons? With The American Demon Czarbama at the helm, he wants to get rid of Teamsters oversight. Is that a good thing? Why, no, it isn't. Perhaps Czarbama wants to create his Civilian National Security Force with the culling from the Teamsters. One never knows. Rick Moran at Right Wing Nut House a few days ago placed an article up entitled, "TOP TEN THINGS THAT CREEP ME OUT ABOUT OBAMA". Whereas he has touched Spot On, I would like to add a few things to that list. Behold: #11) Czarbama has stated publicly that he intends to create a Civilian National Security Force that is just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the United States Armed Forces. #12) Czarbama has publicly confirmed that he intends to create a Civilian National Security Force that is just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the United States Armed Forces. #13) Czarbama carries with him at all times his magic wand of indecisiveness, charlatanism and the ability to agree with every point of every issue from every side and has the uncanny ability to have everyone he speaks to think he is the Pied Piper. #14) Czarbama has stated publicly that he will review and reverse everything that President Bush has done. #15) Czarbama has publicly presented himself as the New Lenin and all one has to do to confirm that is to gaze upon his posters in Berlin and compare them to the posters from the age of Lenin. #16) Czarbama doesn't chastise his followers for praising Che Guacamole. #17) Czarbama associates himself with those that have financed our enemies to fight against us and to kill and wound our Troops in battle. #18) Czarbama blames the United States for 91101 and he did that eight says after the infamous day when the dust and smoke hadn't even subsided yet. #19) Czarbama denies that the Troop Surge was an ingenious plan and that it was successful. #20) Czarbama wants to increase our taxes by $4,000 per household.Is that enough yet? Not quite. #21) Czarbama wants to add an additional $285 BILLION in taxes to finance the American Global War on Poverty. #22) Czarbama wants to ratify L.O.S.T..That is all for now. So, tell me again how he will be good for the nation in the long run. Czarbama wants to strip this nation of its sovereignty and surrender to our enemies. Some say that he will be a lame duck from his first day. Consider this.Czarbama gets into the White House and along with him comes a veto-proof conglomerate and there will be nothing to stop him from reversing all of President Bush's accomplishments, both good and bad. There will be nothing to stop the Fairness Doctrine from becoming a reality. There will be nothing to stop him from raising taxes to the degree of which we have never seen. There will be nothing to stop him from creating his Civilian National Security Forces and there will be nothing to stop the Universal National Service Act. We will no longer have a voice to be heard. Conservative talk shows both professional and BTR will cease to exist. Conservative bloggers and Conservative outlets will vanish. Czarbama mentioned at one time his presidency would be for 8 to 10 years. So much for the 22nd Amendment and kiss the United States Constitution goodbye because once we are turned over to the One World United Nations Consortium and World Court, the Conservative Voice is history. Remember the List of 45? Have you read it? Have you memorized it? Are you armed? Do you give a damn? If not, why then, did we fight for you? Do you give a damn? If not, why then, should we fight for you again? Previous posts in regards to the Enemy of The State running for President of the USA: AUDIO OF BARACK'S VERSION OF THE OBAMA YOOTS OF AMERIKA. We Live In Upside Down LandThe Obama Youth: What's Next?Barack's Civilian Army Just Keeps Getting More and More Interesting Obama Youth: The Lame Stream Deafly Silent The Obama Youth: The Saga ContinuesObama Youth: The Gift That Keeps On Taking Barack's Storm Troopers - The Obama Youth CorpsThe Aspirants To The Presidency Say A Lot Of Things, But...Obama's Brown Shirts Faux Pas Gains More ScrutinyOp-Ed: Sith Lord Obama and His Civilian National Security ForceWhat Does Barack Obama Intend? (video snippet) (You Tube)Pat Dollard: Pissed Off And Wants BloodBaracks' Civilian National Security Force - Continuing Saga UnfoldingSith Lord Obama: Another Gaffe?Obama: The Subtleties of A Dictatorial TyrantBarack Obama To Be Protected By Terror GroupWhen A Duck Wadddles, Does It Look Like A Barack?And All The People Said?Nobama's Civilian National Security Forces Explained?Czarbama and the Civilian National Security ForcesNational Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF?National Service Act: Amerika's Newest Conscript Nation. Thank you Snooper for your service. Thank you Lew for your service Louis Waters, US Army Senior Air Crewmember Vietnam 1969-1971 Thank you Mike for your service LCDR Mike Thayer - DOS: 12 June 1964 to 31 August 1994 - USS New Jersey Thank you Len for your service Len Peracchio - Sept 14, 1960- Sept 21, 1965. Semper Fi Thank you Dean for your service. Brown Water Navy - Vietnam 1966-1968, home port Danang. Thank you Pastor Ed Boston (Cyber Pastor) for your service. Thank you Gary Fouse (The Fouse Report) for your service. Thank you "Stormin" Norman Hooben for your service. Thank you Katie (Findalis) for your service. Thank you Shawmut for your service. Thank you KG of Crusader Rabbit for your service. And finally, thank you to any of those fine men and women who I may have inadvertantly left off this small list. We honor your gifts. |
Immigration Policy in America: What do Americans Think? Posted: 30 Jul 2008 03:29 PM CDT The current Immigration Policy of the United States has put the country in danger of a future as a possible third world nation. Americans who are vastly pro-immigrant, are worried about the influx of Immigrants and the stability of America. Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me I lift my light beside the golden door! These words entered onto America's own Colossus lovingly know as the Statue of Liberty can be found in any debate on immigration, be it legal or illegal. The argument that America was founded on immigration and should continue along that same path is supported by the snippet of a poem by Emma Lazarus. These words and others, usually volatile and accusing, have become a bane to the real issue facing America. This issue is not whether or not Americans like immigrants, or want immigrants, it is if the country can afford more immigrants and sustain a culture and society at the current levels. Most Americans would agree that immigrants are an essential and welcome part of the American culture and society. If you ask an American about their cultural heritage most will pour through 5 - 10 different nationalities from Europe, Africa, Russia, Asia, South American and Native American. Many will proudly proclaim that they are a descendant of someone on the May Flower, or that their originating ancestor has their name at Ellis Island. Immigration is a proud part of the heritage of the nation. However, Americans today are faced with a new downside of the proud beginnings of America. The history of immigration is important to understand before discussing immigration today. Before 1965 the average number of immigrants coming into America averaged 255,000 a year. A quarter of a million people kept new blood into America and fueled our economy making America one of the richest nations on earth. The large landmass of America had no problem accommodating immigrants, who came with their immediate families. After 1965 Congress restructured immigration allowing extended families beyond the "nuclear families" to enter the United States. This meant that not only did we have mothers, fathers, and children coming over as a family unit, but also grandparents, in-laws, cousins, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces. The average amount of immigrants coming to America surged to 1 million a year, 2 million a year if you add illegal immigrants to the mix. What this means is that immigrants are arriving in America faster than new jobs can be created, land can be developed, and schools can be built. The numbers are causing a sharp rise in population that is becoming more difficult for America to sustain, and these are just the legal numbers. If illegal immigrants are added to the mix one can expect the American bubble to burst. Immigration invokes large amounts of competition for land and resources such as jobs and homes; not only are citizens competing with immigrants, but the immigrants are competing with each other. The high number of immigrants has created a crisis specifically in the job force. Usually healthy competition is a good sign in an economy run by capitalism, but there have been more reports of hundreds of people applying for one position. Illegal immigrants tend to take low-skilled jobs that go to people who are undereducated or only proficient in a specific trade skill. People are calling for the mass deportation of illegals, but in reality deporting 10-12% of the workforce would cause even more of an economic collapse than America is experiencing right now. The current amount of deportations from area to area seem to be more logical, but is a gradual draw down of all types of immigration seems to be the prefered action. The fix for the problem offered by Roy Beck, is the return to pre 1965 levels of immigration that were not only sustainable but beneficial to America. He is supported by a majority of Americans in this sentiment, but as he explains in his popular immigration video, Americans are reluctant to talk about it because many have immigrant friends who they love dearly and do not wish to see any harm come to them. That is the reason why the numbers do not reflect that actions taken. The Numbers of Immigration: ¨ Over one million immigrants enter the United States every year. (Immigration and Naturalization Service) ¨ Immigration has accounted for 70% of U.S. population growth this decade. (Center for Immigration Studies) ¨ If mass immigration continues, the population of the United States is projected to exceed 500 million by 2050. (Census Bureau)¨ Population growth causes per capita municipality taxes to rise. Per capita taxes in municipalities of any given size average 25% higher than those in municipalities of half the size. (Professor Albert Bartlett, University of Colorado, Boulder) ¨ An estimated 1.88 million U.S. workers have been displaced from their jobs because of immigration, including many "discouraged" workers who have dropped out of the employment market. (Dr. Donald Huddle, Rice University)¨ 44% of the decline in the real wages of high school dropouts from 1980-1994 was due to mass immigration of less-skilled immigrants. (National Research Council 5/97) ¨ Over 1 million acres of land are lost annually to urban, transportation, and industrial expansion. Another 2 million acres of farmland are lost annually to erosion, salinization, and unsustainable agricultural practices. In sum, we lose about 3 million acres a year. Thus given U.S. population growth of about 3 million a year, for each person added to our population, 1 acre of open land is lost. (Dr. David Pimentel, Cornell University) ¨ The United States' ability to support a population within its carrying capacity is already being strained because of continued population growth. Fifty percent of our original wetlands have been drained to accommodate growth. (Environmental Protection Agency) Ninety-five percent of all U.S. old growth forests have been cut down. (Save America's Forests) ¨ Increasing traffic congestion, school overcrowding and increasing costs, and pollution are among the many negative consequences of immigration-generated population growth. (Population-Environment Balance) The Numbers of Immigration Opinion: • 41% of Republicans and 45% of Democrats support stopping legal immigration altogether. (Gallup poll, October 2000) • 84% of Americans support tighter restrictions on immigration. (McPheters & Company and Beta Research, November 2001 • Six in ten Americans support reducing legal immigration levels. (CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, October 2001) • A Roper poll in January 1996 found that 83% of Americans favor a lower immigration level. 70% favor restricting immigration to less than 300,000 new immigrants a year (including 70% of Republicans, 73% of African-Americans, and 52% of Hispanics). Most want even larger cuts: 54% favor an immigration level of below 100,000 a year. 20% support no immigration at all. This is one article in a series on immigration reform for this election season. For the rest of the series visit my blog Daughter of America. |
Ludacris Releases Song about Barack Obama- Obama Campaign Calls It Offensive Posted: 30 Jul 2008 02:37 PM CDT YouTube URL for the video above found here. Ludacris is three-time Grammy Award-winning American rapper who has released a song about Barack Obama and calling Hillary Clinton a bitch. Both the Obama campaign and a former Clinton aide have denounced the song. Immediately former Clinton national finance co-chair, Yashar Hedayat spoke out and told Huffington Post, "I hope Senator Obama has the presence of mind to denounce and distance himself from Ludacris. In May, when Father Pfleger made those horrible remarks about Senator Clinton at Trinity United, Senator Obama didn't do much to defend her and John McCain was the first to rush to her defense." The Obama campaign weighed in after the news of the song release, via campaign spokesman Bill Burton calling the song offensive and saying that Ludacris should be ashamed of the lyrics. Burton's full statement was, "As Barack Obama has said many, many times in the past, rap lyrics today too often perpetuate misogyny, materialism, and degrading images that he doesn't want his daughters or any children exposed to. This song is not only outrageously offensive to Senator Clinton, Reverend Jackson, Senator McCain, and President Bush, it is offensive to all of us who are trying to raise our children with the values we hold dear. While Ludacris is a talented individual he should be ashamed of these lyrics." The complete lyrics of the rap song by Ludacris can be found at Liveleak. Lyrics: I'm back on it like I just signed my record deal |
McCain's New Ad Debut's While His Older One Is Shown Far More Than The Ad Buy Posted: 30 Jul 2008 01:26 PM CDT The new ad found at YouTube: (H/T Redstate diary) The media is full of criticism today about the older ad, where the McCain campaign takes issue with Obama's refusal to honor his commitment to visiting the troops in Germany, which has run far more than the original ad buy accounted for by news shows running it hundreds of times.
You always know when an ad is being effective and doing the job it was intended to do when the opposing political party pundits start howling at the moon. The best saved for last of course is the hysterical concept of the NYT daring speak of the "low road", to which Ed Morrisey over at Hot Air takes them to woodshed while offering some visual reminders of how the NYT and the Obama campaign have stayed on the low road and are now whining about John McCain fighting back. Hysterical...go read Ed's piece. Finally the John McCain campaign is making it clear they are in the fight and have stopped taking punches without landing a few hard hitting ones of their own. The next couple months will be popcorn worthy so make sure you are stocked up! . |
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