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Gallup Confirms Zogby Poll, McCain Ahead Of Obama Posted: 07 Sep 2008 12:58 PM CDT Earlier we say Zogby reporting McCain's convention bounce brought him into the lead against Obama and Gallup issues their polling results showing a 3 percentage point lead as well. Gallup's caveat: Tomorrow's report will be the first in which all interviews were conducted after the conclusion of the convention. So, McCain's numbers can still rise some more. I would call this a convention AND Palin bounce folks!!! No wonder Obama supporters are running scared and continuing to attack. They are obviously too slow to understand that their attacks are partially responsible for Palin's popularity. Keep em coming! . |
Alaska National Guard Commander: Palin Goes 'Above and Beyond' Her Duty For Guard Posted: 07 Sep 2008 12:48 PM CDT Video below compliments of Amy Proctor from Bottom Line up Front. Major General Craig Campbell, the Commander of the Alaska National Guard says that Sarah Palin takes her duties as Commander in Chief of the National Guard seriously and goes "above and beyond" her duties as Governor, on behalf of the troops. Campbell says the National Guard, in Alaska and in all states is run by the Governor of the state and he asserts "Governor Palin does it great". When Susteren questioned the Commander about Palin's trip to Kuwait a year ago to visit the members of the Alaskan Nation Guard, he said that after being sworn in as Governor, Palin made it a priority to go see the troops in field. He went on to explain that the "key result" of Palin's trip when she returned she brought ideas about what soldiers desires were and family needs and implemented those ideas into law the following year. He goes on to say "that is what a Commander in Chief does, take care of soldiers and take care of airmen and she does it exceptionally well." When asked if she handles the job any differently than previous Governors have done, he says she has gone above and beyond what a Governor would do. Also discussed is the actions she took immediately upon the request of Governor Bobby Jindal from Louisiana, to implement the Alaska National Guard to help with hurricane Gustav, by signing an executive order to help by sending troops and equipment to assist in Louisiana. . |
Hillary Clinton Won't be 'Attack Dog' Against Sarah Palin Posted: 07 Sep 2008 11:53 AM CDT When word came out that Barack Obama planned to "dispatch" Hillary Clinton and other prominent women Democrats to counter the energy Sarah Palin injected into the presidential race, Clinton insiders said she would not be anyone's attack dog. Diehard Hillary Clinton supporters against Barack Obama immediately reacted asking Hillary to not attack Palin, to not allow herself to be used in that way. One plea came from Riverdaughter, who made a few points, the first being, "Let me get this straight, Sarah-cuda beats you up and steals your lunch money and instead of standing up for yourself, you write a little note about how she hurt your feelings as a community organizer and you send out another girl to fight your battle. Er, OK. Will you also be sending her out to do business with the Russians, the North Koreans, the health insurance biggies? How about if she does all the debates for you too? Because if you need Hillary to do all the fighting on your sorry ass behalf, then maybe she should be nominee." Later they made their plea with to Hillary saying, "If Hillary is out there reading, don't do it for him. Or if you must, stick to the Conflucian rules: No character assassination and no rumormongering without evidence. Actually, we can trust you to behave honorably but it's the creeps you are promoting who won't. So, ask yourself, where do you draw the line? For us, this is it." Others, such as PUMA PAC, headlined that very day with "Hey, Precious! Fight Your Own Damn Battles. Seal Your Own Damn Deal." These are representative of what was being said when the Times ran their article. According to The Politico piece, Clinton would continue to yoke McCain and Palin to Bush's pocketbook issues and the insider said the Obama campaign never asked Clinton to directly attack Palin. Today's report from the LA Times' Top of the Ticket, that Clinton remained true to her word and even when given ample opportunity, refused to take "easy swings" at Sarah Palin, not once.
The Ticket reports that while Clinton did make the comparison between McCain and Bush, she avoided saying anything harsh against McCain himself, whom she has a friendship with since he welcomed her so warmly into the Senate in 2001. What do you think? Gender solidarity? Friendship for McCain despite their disagreements? A sign of waning enthusiasm for her own party's ticket? So much joy over the New York Giants defeat of the Washington Redskins in the NFL opener Thursday night? Some wonder if Clinton is simply not willing to alienate her diehard supporters that she will count on if she decides to take a run at the presidency in 2012. Whatever the reason, the Clinton insider appears to have been correct, Clinton will not run interference as anybody's attack dog against Palin. . |
Zogby Poll Shows John McCain Ahead Of Barack Obama, Rasmussen Shows A Tie Posted: 07 Sep 2008 09:46 AM CDT With the the full effects of the convention bounces just days away, Zogby International shows the McCain/Palin ticket receiving 49.7 percent of the support, with 45.9 percent going to the Obama/Biden ticket. McCain holds a 57 percent favorable rating among likely voters, which is up from 50 percent last week. McCain's favorable ratings among Independents has jumped from 49 percent last week to 61 percent now. Barack Obama holds a 49 percent favorable rating with 50 percent holding a negative impression of him. Among vice presidential candidates, GOP running mate, Sarah Palin holds a 54 percent favorable rating and the Democratic running mate Joe Biden holds a 49 percent favorable rating. Palin's unfavorabe rating is at 42 percent and Biden is at 47 percent. Pollster John Zogby: "Clearly, Palin is helping the McCain ticket. She has high favorability numbers, and has unified the Republican Party. The striking thing here in this poll is that McCain has pulled ahead among Catholics by double-digits. On the other hand, Palin is not helping with likely voting women who are not aligned with either political party. The undecided independent women voters decreased this week from 15% to 7%, but those women went to Obama. Palin is also helping among men, conservatives, notably with suburban and rural voters, and with frequent Wal-Mart shoppers, who tend to be "values" voters who like a good value for their money." Rasmussen's report for September 7, 2008 has just been released as well. Rasmussen shows Barack Obama peaked from the Democratic convention last Tuesday with a 6 point lead, while today that is completely gone and Rasmussen shows the candidates tied at 46 percent and when leaners are included, both candidates receive 48 percent. The report explains Rasmussen runs a three day average rolling poll, which means the full results of the Republican convention with be on Monday, when the completed interviews all include McCain's speech. Rasmussen reports that as of Tuesday or Wednesday the full effects of both conventions will be fairly clear. McCain leads in support among men and Obama leads in support among women, this report by Rasmussen confirms Zogby's findings that both McCain and Palin hold higher favorable ratings with McCain at 58 percent and Obama holding 56 and for Palin the favorable rating is at 58 percent while Biden holds a 48 percent favorable rating. Forty-two percent (42%) of voters say that economic issues are most important this year and Obama holds a 34-point advantage among these voters. While these Rasmussen numbers do not include full interviews conducted after John McCain's speech, this report does indicate these interviews were conducted after Palin's speech on Wednesday. . |
Democratic Trash: The Story That Just Won't Go Away Posted: 06 Sep 2008 10:13 PM CDT
Read the rest at Radarsite |
John Mccain and Barack Obama To Make Joint Appearance At Ground Zero On 9/11 Posted: 06 Sep 2008 03:46 PM CDT Barack Obama and John McCain will put political bickering aside to make a joint appearance at Ground Zero on September 11, 2008. The campaigns issued a joint statement which said: "On September 11, 2008, we will join together to mark the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at Ground Zero. The idea was approached while Barack Obama was on the phone with John McCain after calling to congratulate him on the official nomination to be the Republican presidential candidate, where they both agreed to make the appearance together instead of doing so separately. . |
Posted: 06 Sep 2008 03:12 PM CDT The panic running rampant among Obama supporters is getting to comedic stages at this point. The LA Progressive (that should say it all) reports that Sarah Palin referred to Barack Obama as Sambo, saying "Sambo beat the bitch", in regards to Obama winning the primaries against Hillary Clinton. The article uses a woman with no last name, an unknown restaurant and no supporting witnesses....but that doesn't stop Daily Kos from picking it up and running like hell with it. LGF reports that the Kos piece, titled "So Sambo Beat The Bitch' - Sarah Palin...", is no gone, erased, doesn't exist. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Think they learned their lesson by being utterly humiliated with the last two lies they tried to spread about Palin? Don't count on it, but for some reason it was removed. Malkin says "It is laughable beyond belief." I agree, it is. At this point the desperation and panic being seen by Obama supporters is laughable and just as pathetic. Keep em coming guys, you have helped Palin more than conservatives could have with the smears that have been debunked, the rumors reported as news and the outright lies. Weekly Standard is even thanking you for all your help!!! . |
Gallup Confirms CBS And Rasmussen Polls, Obama's 'Bounce" Evaporating Posted: 06 Sep 2008 02:25 PM CDT Yesterday two polls were quoted showing that Barack Obama's convention bounce had evaporated, with one showing a tie between Mccain and Obama and the other showing a one percent lead enjoyed by Obama. Gallup confirms Obama's convention bounce almost gone. Today Gallup has issued their report saying, "Barack Obama's advantage over John McCain has been shrinking since the start of the Republican National Convention, and is now down to just two percentage points -- 47% to 45% -- too close to call." Gallup reports that these new numbers only "partially" reflect public opinion of Wednesday and Thursday of the Republican Convention where Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and John McCain gave their speeches. The continue on to indicate "This includes a strong night for McCain in Friday's interviewing, the first full night of interviewing following his acceptance speech." The first Gallup Poll Daily tracking report based on interviewing conducted entirely after McCain's speech (from Friday through Sunday) will be published on Monday. The test for McCain will be whether he can do more than return the race to the absolute tie seen at the beginning of the convention period, and actually lead Obama by a significant margin for the first time since late April/early May It will not be evident as Gallup noted in the quote above, how much of a bounce the McCain/Palin campaign will see at its fullest, but does show the pattern that both CBS and Rasmussen expressed in their reports from yesterday and the day before. By Monday I will not be surprised to see McCain/Palin leading above the margin of error percentages after such strong showings as well as record breaking amounts of viewers for their speeches. Expect attacks on Palin to get more vitriolic and nasty despite the fact that the previous ones have backfired resoundingly. . |
One Party's Trash is Another Party's Treasure Posted: 06 Sep 2008 01:57 PM CDT Crossposted from Stop the ACLU: My co-blogger Roger wrote about this on the September 1st, and yes the entire Democratic party should be ashamed. Of course, they aren't. So, why wouldn't people question your patriotism when you treat the flag like this? This morning, Republicans tell me that a worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands of unused flags from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage. Guerrilla campaigning. They will use these flags at their own event today in Colorado Springs with John McCain and Sarah Palin. Yet the story has a happy ending. One party's trash is another party's treasure! Country first indeed! The flags are on their way to a McCain Palin rally in Colorado Springs where the Boy Scouts and Veterans of Foreign Wars will distribute them to the GOP faithful. FOX: Boy Scouts have arrived with 84 trash bags full of bundles of flags at the site of a McCain rally scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. local time in Colorado Springs. Ed Morrissey: Didn't anyone make arrangements for better disposal of these flags from Invesco? At the very least, they were an investment that could have been re-used at rallies in Colorado as well as the rest of the nation during the general election. Instead, they've handed a dramatic moment to John McCain and Sarah Palin, as well as relieved them of the cost of 12,000 such flags -- as well as a full 3?x5? flag that also wound up in the trash. By the way, just so you know...here is the proper way to dispose of the American flag. Drew M. Now they'll whine about how it wasn't their fault and it's not like Obama was personally tossing flags in the trash and in some sense that's true. But appearances matter and this just feeds into the perception that patriotism as most Americans understand it (something other than endless criticism of the country) is simply a card Democrats play at election time. The photo above is of one of Obama's best friends and mentor, Bill Ayers the American hating domestic terrorist. |
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