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USA Today Finds Obama's Record Of Bi-Partisanship Lacking Posted: 18 Sep 2008 12:11 PM CDT USA Today analyzes John McCain and Barack Obama's records of working across the aisle and finds that Obama is seriously lacking in doing so, while McCain has a proven track record of doing just that. They also point out that McCain has voted with Republicans 85 percent of the time, yet Obama has voted along party lines 97 percent of the time. McCain has a longer record of bucking his party's orthodoxy.
In a year when it will take both sides of the political aisle to solve problems, it is John McCain that has the track record of being able to do so and bucking his party at times to get things accomplished. Obama likes to talk about how he can cross the aisle and work with the other side, but McCain has walked the walk. Their voting record is all people need to look at to see that McCain has gone against his own party far more than Obama has and there is no reason to think that will change. . |
As Poll Bounces Level, Obama's Advertising Becomes More Negative Than McCain's Posted: 18 Sep 2008 11:06 AM CDT Rasmussen shows the convention bounces level out again leaving the candidates tied, McCain picks up a couple high profile endorsements and Barack Obama's negative advertising rises to 77 percent compared to John McCain's 56 percent. Rasmussen's September 18, 2008 poll results has been released, showing the convention bounces gone and the race neck and neck again with McCain and Obama both receiving 48 percent. With the financial crisis seen on Wall Street uppermost in voter's minds, Rasmussen also shows that 47 percent of voters now think economy will be the top issue of the 2008 election, with only 25 percent of voters believing Obama or McCain are "very likely" to bring about any changes to Wall Street. In Rasmussen's polling conducted last night they found 47 percent of voters trusted McCain on economic issues with 45 percent trusting Obama, which is a statistically insignificant lead for McCain. Endorsements. Yesterday it was reported by multiple organizations as well as here, that a prominent Clinton supporter and Democratic National Committee member has publicly endorsed John McCain for the presidency and last night on CNN's "Larry King Live, another high profile figure, New York real estate magnate Donald Trump, endorsed McCain as the Politico reports. Trump had donated to the Hilary Clinton campaign, believing after she lost the primaries Obama should have chosen her as his vice presidential running mate, told Larry King, "I know John McCain, and John McCain's a great guy, a tremendous guy," Trump told King. "I've known him for a long time. And I'm with him, and I'm with him based on the fact that I have great knowledge of John McCain. Also, this is not the right time for tax increases. And Obama wants to increase your taxes drastically." Trump went on to say "I don't understand why Hillary wasn't chosen [for vice president]," Trump said. " She was really winning. I have a friend that came to this country and was here for the last four weeks of that whole election. He said: How did she lose? She won every primary? He didn't understand it. "The fact is, that Obama went limping across the finish line. He should have chosen Hillary, It would have been a much different race, I believe. Right now, it looks to me like McCain is probably winning." During the Democratic primaries, Trump donated to Hillary Clinton, according to records posted by the Center for Responsive Politics. Trump donated to McCain in May, according to the records. King pushed Trump's statements asking if he was formally endorsing McCain and Trump confirmed he was. Advertising. A new study conducted by Wisconsin Advertising Project, based at the University of Wisconsin, concludes that since the end of the Republican convention, negative advertising has filled the airwaves, with 77 percent of Barack Obama's advertising being listed as negative and 56 percent of John McCain's advertising being shown as negative as reported by The Washington Post. Before the convention McCain's advertising was seen as more negative. Despite many decrying the negative advertising and many claims about how this campaign season has been the most negative, another Rasmussen survey taken shows that only 23 percent of voters believe this to be true. 55 percent of voters believe this campaign season is no more negative than other election cycles. Most voters (55%) say the tone of this year's presidential campaign is about the same as in other recent election years, despite complaints from Barack Obama's side and some in the media that John McCain has been campaigning negatively. While pundits and commentators who favor an individual candidate each sees areas of strength and the presidential debates just around the corner, the race is shaping up to be very tight and barring any unforeseen circumstance, the general consensus from impartial observers seems to be that while we see swings from week to week for one specific candidate and then the other, by election day, the race will still be tight when people go to the voting booth and pull the lever for their candidate. . |
Obama's Iraq Scandal: A Distraught Sister's Response Posted: 17 Sep 2008 10:48 PM CDT ![]() ![]() ----------------------------------------------------------------
Excerpts From Sean Hannity Interview With Sarah Palin Part #1 Posted: 17 Sep 2008 07:40 PM CDT Excerpts of the Sean Hannity interview with Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin have been released with a small portion shown in the above video. This is Sarah Palin's second national interview since being announced as the running mate to the Republican presidential candidate John McCain. *Mandatory Credit: FOX News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" Shown above is Palin's reaction to the Obama attacks on John McCain for saying that the "fundamentals" of the economy are strong: "Well, it was an unfair attack on the verbiage that Senator McCain chose to use because the fundamentals, as he was having to explain afterwards, he means our workforce, he means the ingenuity of the American people. And of course, that is strong and that is the foundation of our economy. On who is responsible for the failing financial institutions: "I think the corruption on Wall Street. That's to blame. And that violation of the public trust. And that contract that should be inherent in corporations who are spending, investing other people's money, the abuse of that is what has got to stop. "And it's a matter, too, of some of these CEOs and top management people, and shareholders too not holding that management accountable, being addicted to, we call it, OPM, O-P-M, "other people's money." "Spending that, investing that, not using the prudence that we expect of them. But here again, government has got to play an appropriate role in the stringent oversight, making sure that those abuses stop." Palin goes on to speak about fixing the economy with reform, saying there has been a lack of oversight and there has been a "1930s type of regulatory regime overseeing some of these corporations." On fixing the economy: "Through reform, absolutely. Look at the oversight that has been lack, I believe, here at the 1930s type of regulatory regime overseeing some of these corporations. And we've got to get a more coordinated and a much more stringent oversight regime...government can play a very, very appropriate role in the oversight as people are trusting these companies with their life savings, with their investments, with their insurance policies, and construction bonds, and everything else. "When we see the collapse that we're seeing today, you know that something is broken and John McCain has a great plan to get in there and fix it." On the danger of a presidential candidate using the economy for political gain: "Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we're talking about today...It is that profound and that important an issue that we work together on this, and not just let one party try to kind of grab it all or capture it all and pretend like they have all the answers. It's going to take everybody working together on this." On the government's bailout of AIG: "I do not like the idea though of taxpayers being used to bailout these corporations. Today it was AIG, important call there, though, because of the construction bonds and the insurance carrier duties of AIG." "But first and foremost, taxpayers cannot be looked to as the bailout, as the solution to the problems on Wall Street." On reaction to Obama's attack on McCain for saying that the "fundamentals" of the economy are strong: "Well, it was an unfair attack on the verbiage that Senator McCain chose to use because the fundamentals, as he was having to explain afterwards, he means our workforce, he means the ingenuity of the American people. And of course, that is strong and that is the foundation of our economy." "Certainly it is a mess though, the economy is a mess. And there have been abuses on Wall Street and that adversely effects Main Street." "It is, somebody was saying this morning, a toxic waste there on Wall Street, affecting Main Street. And we've got to cure this." On how she and McCain can follow through on their promises in a divided Washington: "Yes it is gridlock and that's ridiculous. That's why we don't have an energy policy, that's why there hasn't been the reform of the abuse of the earmark process. And real reform is tough, and you do ruffle feathers along the way. But John McCain has that streak of independence in him that I think is very, very important in America today in our leadership. I have that within me also. And that's why John McCain tapped me to be a team of mavericks, of independents coming in there without the allegiances to that cronyism, to that good ole' boy system. I'm certainly a Washington outsider and I'm proud of that because I think that that is what we need also." On drilling and ANWR: "But, no secret, John McCain and I agree to disagree on that one. And I'm going to keep working on him with ANWR. "Well, I'm very, very encouraged, as we all understand that John McCain knows, more so than any other leader in our nation today, that for national security reasons we must be an energy independent nation. We must start taking the steps to get there. That's why he has embraced offshore drilling. That's why he has embraced the ideal of the alternative fuels also. And I'll keep working on him with ANWR." "It's a nice thing about him, too, is he is not asking me or anybody else to check our opinions at the door. He wants that healthy deliberation and debate with it." On her family's reaction to being picked as John McCain's running mate: "It was a time of asking the girls to vote on it, anyway. And they voted unanimously, yes. Didn't bother asking my son because, you know, he's going to be off doing his thing anyway, so he wouldn't be so impacted by, at least, the campaign period here. So ask the girls what they thought and they're like, absolutely. Let's do this, mom." On if the political attacks by the Democrats on the Republicans will be effective: "You can't underestimate the wisdom of the people of America. They're seeing through the rhetoric, and they're seeing through a lot of the political cheap shots, also. And they're getting down to the facts and the voting records that are going to show that stark contrast." On if Republicans in Washington have lost their way in recent years: "I believe that Republicans in Washington have got to understand that the people of America are not fully satisfied with all the -- all the dealings within the party. The same -- it applies for the other party, also. Americans are just getting sick and tired of politics as usual, that embracing of the status quo, going with the flow and just assuming that the people of America are not noticing that we have opportunities for good change. We have opportunity for a healthier, safer, more prosperous and energy-independent nation at this time. People are getting tired of a process that's not allowing that process -- that progress to be ushered in." On if she's spoken to McCain about her role in a McCain administration: "Sure have. I'm very excited about the role that I will play as his partner. And I will focus on energy independence and reform overall of Washington and tax cuts for Americans and reigning in spending." On how she thinks Americans will be impacted if energy dependency isn't solved: "In that $700 billion transfer of wealth, that's when the price of oil was up as high as it was there at the $140 mark. But, of course, that transfer of wealth, still, that imbalance of trade is something that we need to tackle also. Yes, those dollars should be circulating within our own economy. It's a matter of national security. It is a matter of our future prosperity. Energy is inherently linked to security and prosperity." "We sort of have a "do nothing Senate" right now where nobody's wanting to really pick up the ball and run with it and take the steps that we have to take to become more energy independent. And it's going to take...a change in leadership in order to really crush that gridlock and get going on this." Excerpts of the Hannity interview that will be shown in two parts with the first part FOX News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" at 9 p.m. tonight, sent out to journalists with condition that "Mandatory credit: FOX News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes." . |
Posted: 17 Sep 2008 05:44 PM CDT Since reproducing information that is obtained illegally, with full knowledge that the information was obtained legally is a crime just as the original hackers that obtained the information committed a crime, well known sites such as Huffington Post, Americablog, Gawker and more have all deliberately broken the law by reproducing and publishing the emails and/or photos illegally obtained from Sarah Palin's hacked email address. I have saved the pages and screenshots of each of these sites and I hope the Government does their job to bring legal action against every single one of these sites for spreading Palin's children's and husbands private email addresses around, as well as Palin's daughters phone number, private pictures and contact email information for everyone in Palin's yahoo address book. The original hackers probably did it for no other reason than to be troublemakers. The scum over at Gawker, Huffington Post, AmericaBlog and others, published that private information for no other reason than to personally attack Sarah Palin as they have been doing since she was announced as the vice presidential running mate to John McCain. Taking screenshots and saving full webpages makes sure that these people cannot delete their posts and then deny their complicity in a federal offense of publishing illegally obtained information. Considering each of these sites reported that Palin's email account was hacked, then went on to either publish the emails, or screenshots of the emails, or the private information from the email account, they knowingly and deliberately broke the law. FBI spokesman Brian Hale said, "The FBI is aware of the alleged hacking incident involving Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and is coordinating with the United States Secret Service on the matter." Original post on this here. More at Michelle Malkin. . |
16 Dead In Yemen After U.S. Embassy Attacked Posted: 17 Sep 2008 03:45 PM CDT According to officials, 16 people are dead, six of which were the attackers after assaulting the U.S. Embassy in the Yemeni capital on Wednesday armed with automatic weapons, rocket-propelled grenades and at least one suicide car bomb. The Associated Press reports that officials says the attacks bore "all the hallmarks of an al-Qaida attack," as multiple explosions rocked the U.S. Embassy in Yemen. Six Yemeni guards and four civilians and six attackers are included in the body count which is being called the deadliest attack on the Embassy in Yemen which has been attacked four times in recent years.
President Bush said, "This attack is a reminder that we are at war with extremists who will murder innocent people to achieve their ideological objectives." Some of terrorists were said to be wearing Yemeni military uniforms. Two suicide car bombs were said to have been used in today's attack and according to THE state news agency SABA, no gun battle was reported. There was a conflicting report about gun battles with other officials saying that the first responders, Yemeni emergency personnel, were fired upon when rushing to the scene by snipers. Other accounts claim there were up to five explosions heard but it is unclear if some of those were secondary explosions caused by the firs set. Yemeni security officials said a little-known group called Islamic Jihad, unrelated to the Palestinian group of the same name, claimed responsiblity for the attack. But Yemeni authorities have blamed the group in past attacks that have later been claimed by al-Qaida in postings on the Internet. The Telegraph brings some eyewitness reports which seem to favor the report that says there was a gun battle of some type, with Trevor Mason, a British eyewitness who lives in an apartment block close to the US embassy compound, saying "We heard the sounds of a heavy gun battle going on. I looked out my window, and we saw the first explosion going off - a massive fireball very close to the US embassy. The gun battle went on for a further 10 to 15 minutes, followed by two further loud explosions." Despite conflicting reports, most of them do affirm that 16 people are dead and six of them were the attackers themselves. . |
Sarah Palin Private Email Account Hacked By Scumbags Posted: 17 Sep 2008 01:21 PM CDT Looks like morons will stop at nothing to continue attacking Sarah Palin, including hacking into her personal email account at yahoo. The internet griefers known as Anonymous took credit for the intrusion, and screenshots of e-mail messages and photos belonging to the Alaska governor have been published by WikiLeaks. Threat Level has confirmed the authenticity of at least one of the e-mails. Both Palin's yahoo accounts have now been deleted. ArtVoice tells us previous idiocy by this group of hackers. Anonymous is the same group responsible for such stunts as the NFL dirty bomb threat in October 2006, and has more recently been behind organized global protests of Scientology. WikiLeaks said in a press release sent to reporters that Anonymous gained access to Palin's e-mail account around midnight Tuesday. They posted private family photos that Palin sent to friends, the email addresses in her contact list and more. Those email addresses are now being passed around by.... you got it...Liberals. Gawker sunk even lower by publishing the private family pictures that have never been released to the public. Guess there is no level too low for them to stoop to huh? [Update] Malkin goes farther than just calling these jerks 'scum" , in her words, "Bastards. Bastards all." Well said and agreed. [Update] Hot Air has the McCain campaign response, via campaign manager, Rick Davis: "This is a shocking invasion of the Governor's privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment."[Update] Now a site, which I refuse to link to and give traffic to are calling Palin's daughter, 5 times as of now, recorded the messages on the voice mail then recorded his message he left the poor kid asking for naked pictures. (H/T Don Surber) Now, the Secret Service will become involved. [Update] Per Macsmind, the DOJ will now be getting involved and a good point from him is:
So, liberals busy spreading the information obtained illegally are also in violation of the law. Now we are talking. [Update] As per Fox News, the Secret Service has asked Associated Press for copies of the leaked emails and they refused. More: Huffington Post, Gawker, AmericaBlog All Published Illegally Obtained Information From Sarah Palin's Hacked Email Account FBI spokesman Brian Hale said, "The FBI is aware of the alleged hacking incident involving Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and is coordinating with the United States Secret Service on the matter." . |
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