Wake up America |
Posted: 20 Oct 2008 11:57 AM CDT Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher was interviewed by Fox & Friends Sunday. It was an interesting conversation, below follows the video of it. Watch it and listen carefully - the man is humble, clearly upset and astonished by the media attention. He made some very valuable, good points and he said something in passing that's worth pointing out. His main point is that he wants people to vote: his goal is to get 65% of Americans allowed to vote use that right. About the attacks from Barack Obama, his running mate, and his supporters and allies in the media, Wurzelbacher said he found it a bit strange that Obama et al. are attacking him, trying to destroy him, in order to further Obama's political career. Why destroy a simple citizen, who just wants to work, earn a living, and take care of his family, Wurzelbacher wondered. He also repeated his point that he only asked a question. The attacks, however, have clearly made him a bit fearful, and he's clearly afraid that other Americans may not dare ask presidential candidates any questions in the weeks, months and years ahead. Wurzelbacher wondered why they focused on him, and not on Obama's answer and, not unimportantly, on issues "that matter to Americans." Lastly, he was asked about "spreading the wealth around." "Should we spread the wealth around," Wurzelbacher was asked. "No we shouldn't." He then explained he believed in certain social programs, saying that when he was a kid, his family was on welfare for a while until they were 'back up' to their feet. Watch Joe Speak: . |
Rumors: North Korea to Make Announcement about Leader’s Health Posted: 20 Oct 2008 11:56 AM CDT Japanese officials working in North Korea were told to stay close to their missions because the Japanese government expected the North to make an important announcement about its leader's health October 20. Thus far, the North has not made any announcement about Kim Jong-Il's health. South Korean officials believe the Japense intel to be wrong. "We have nothing to confirm regarding Chairman Kim Jong-il's health," Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Ho-nyeon told British Skype News. Read more. |
Jolly: “Right Wing Hate” And All That Posted: 20 Oct 2008 11:54 AM CDT "The racist and xenophobic bile that has flowed from the right-wing Republican base and spokesmouths like Rush Limbaugh has been unprecedented in this campaign season, and it was easy to predict that the moment Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama that he was no longer a war hero and brilliant diplomat but just another uppity Negro," writes Shaun Mullen for The Moderate Voice of all places. He goes on to write: "If the hate mongering of these people was not so destructive, the knots into which they tie themselves would be amusing." And then, the kicker: "They slavishly support an immoral war fostered by Bush and Cheney (and yes, Powell, as well) and for no reason more than their view that it is a well justified payback against godless Muslims. An American jihad, if you will." A reader of TMV, fed up with the hatred coming from Mullen while criticizing Republicans for supposed hatred, commented: "I'm astonished that you have the nerve to post a self-refuting hate piece of this tenor on a site called 'The Moderate Voice.' Not only is it the case that the vitriol of the Left has exceeded that of the Right by about 2 orders of magnitude consistently for the last 30 years, it is the case that this very article is a stunning example of that vitriol." Read more at PoliGazette. |
Obama Wants McCAIN Investigated Over ACORN Posted: 20 Oct 2008 11:34 AM CDT "There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between truth and fiction, between the MSM and fantasy, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of a fair election. This is the dimension of ACORN. YOU HAVE NOW CROSSED OVER TO..... THE OBAMA Zone."We MUST BE entering a different dimension. Senator Barack Obama, whose relationship with ACORN has been proven many times over despite all of his denials, wants the Justice department to look in to the ACORN affair. Not to get rid of the fraudulent registrations. No he wants the Justice Department to investigate President Bush and Senator McCain for UNSUPPORTED ALLEGATIONS OF VOTER FRAUD. UNSUPPORTED?!?!? I guess those people in Ohio Really DO LIVE in the MIDDLE of the lake. Mickey Mouse is a real live person. This is the height of arrogance! CLICK HERE for the full story. . |
How the Dems Plan to SHUT UP THE RIGHT Posted: 20 Oct 2008 11:24 AM CDT We have already seen how candidate Obama has worked to quiet all dissenters. Remember how hard he worked to silence Governor Palin from the Iran rally this week. But that wasn't the first time, when a group called the American Issues Project launched an ad talking about the Illinois Senator's unexplained links to terrorist Bill Ayers. Senator Obama sent aletter to the DOJ asking for an investigation then pressured stations not to run the ad threatening them with letters to their advertisers etc. When the woman who survived an abortion made a commercial against the Senator's Abortion position, He attacked her PERSONALLY as a liar. In Missouri where he tried to rally supporters in the State police to silence the NRA. A (God Forbid) President Obama, will work with a Democratic congress to place even greater restrictions on the free speech of those who disagree with the liberal agenda. Click Here to find out how they intend to Shut UP those on the Right . |
Palin More Accessible To Press Than Obama, Biden And McCain Posted: 20 Oct 2008 10:50 AM CDT How many reports did we see after Sarah Palin was chosen to be the GOP vice presidential candidate claiming Palin was being "hidden" from the press? CBS has a surprising piece out showing that as of now, Sarah Palin is more available to her traveling press corp than any of the other candidates. It was less than two weeks ago when Sarah Palin astonished her traveling press corps by lifting the curtain (literally) and journeying to the back of her campaign plane to answer reporters' questions for the first time after 40 days on the campaign trail. But the candidate who has been criticized for having a bunker mentality when it came to the national media can now lay legitimate claim to being more accessible than either Joe Biden or Barack Obama. In fact, they report that Palin seems to enjoy herself so much that her aides practically have to drag her away from her press corps. Biden, on the other hand, when he does talk to the press, seems to screw it up so badly I am surprised they don't put him on an island somewhere and gag him until the election is over. He predicts the Obama/Biden ticket will fall a bit in the polls and he predicts that people who will not vote for Barack Obama are having a "problem" with an "African American" candidate. Forget the fact that the majority of people saying they would never vote for Obama are listing reasons like his connections with terrorist William Ayers, or his sitting in his former church for 16 years listening to the Anti-American, racist sermons of Jeremiah Wright, or his documented business dealings with convicted felon Tony Rezko, or his tax plan that equals no more than socialism, or his health care plan or his close ties with ACORN, a group now under investigation in a dozen or more states....etc... NO, if a person claims to have any legitimate reason for refusing to back Obama, it must be because of his skin color. By daring to mention all the associations listed above... Biden thinks that is "dangerous." "Undecided people are having a difficult time just culturally making the change, making the move for the first African American president in the history of the United States of America," the Democratic vice-presidential nominee said at a San Francisco fundraiser Saturday evening. "So we need to respond. We need to respond at the moment, immediately, not wait, not hang around, not assume any of this won't stick." What is noticeable though is that when Palin wasn't available to her traveling press corps, it headlining in every major paper, front page for many, yet now she is completely available and moreso than Biden and Obama, we do not see those papers blaring it across their front page or whining they do not have enough "access" to them....do we? I guess since the last open, unscripted question asked of Obama caused his socialistic tendencies to go viral with his "spread the wealth" comment, perhaps he has reason not to be "available" either. . |
We Had A Patriotic Nation Once Part 2 Posted: 20 Oct 2008 06:50 AM CDT A long time ago in a time when I forsook this blog and where it was going, I penned a piece entitled, "We Had A Patriotic Nation Once". At this moment in time, I would like to continue that posting with a slightly different track. The original piece was penned and published on 28 SEPT 07 at 2235 hours Texas time and I present the original below. How the mighty have fallen:'The War' — Then And Now By INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY I was criticized by many for that piece and one can see from the comments section that many despise this nation both from within and without. The piece came on the tail end of taking our streets back from the anti-Americanists and when the Leftinistra such as Reid and Pelosi surrendered their War on Bush to George Bush. They failed to lose the War On Terror.Defending Liberty: Ken Burns' PBS series is enthralling millions by illustrating America's sacrifices during World War II. Too few today realize that just as much is at stake as we fight terrorists in the Middle East and globally. READ MOREOnce upon a time, our national leaders knew how to rally the population towards a patriotic goal...victory. Yes, there were the malcontents with socialistic leanings but they were widely ignored and placed in their proper place...obscurity. Then, politics entered into the equation because they thought they knew better because after all, they were edjumakatid. I suppose had we lost WWI and WWII, the politicos would not have to be too big for their britches. In WWI and WWII, our nation was able to determine the wickedness of the ways of the enemy. Apparently, not any longer. The nation would "Rather" play with their TIVOs and Nintendos and all manner of instant gratification. The threats we face as a nation both from without and within are masked by the inherent desire to be uninterrupted from our everyday and selfish lives as seen through a glass darkly. At one time, if one of our citizens was kidnapped by a maniacal dictator, and their head was severed to make a point, the people saddled up and prepared to do battle. Not any more. This kind of patriotism died during the Carter administration and was slighty revived during the Reagan administration. It was completely buried by the likes of the Clintonistra and GWB, God bless him, doesn't have what it takes to rally the nation. It is up to us in The New Media. Some of us old salts know the deal and we know the drill. Time to ruck up and saddle up. We have work to do. Now, we are in a different war and we have to win this one as well. On 30 SEPT 2007 at 2314 hours, I published another piece entitled, "The 'Peace Activists' Are Actually Anti-Americanists". This applies to today at this time at this hour as it did then and as far back as WWII. The professional protesters of today are the descendants of the washed up, used up hippies of yore and they are the by products of the useless government run education or indoctrination camps called Public School and the alleged institutions of Higher Learning. I know. I talk to students nearly every day and I am amazed each and every time I visit various campuses what these children are being taught. Yes, I said children because they haven't grown up yet. Howard Stern did his own version of Man On the Street and he revealed that the Obama supporters are dumber than crates of boxes of turtle turds. The audio released was a man conducting on the streets interviews asking every day folks if they believed in Barack's dogma by telling them what McCain stands on and for. They were also asked if Barack made a wise choice choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Every single one said that Barack's (really McCain's) stands on issues were right on and Sarah Palin was a very good choice as VP. Howard Stern's findings are EXACTLY what I have found on college campuses across Texas and in Michigan when this fact-finding mission started some months ago.. I was told by many in Michigan that the country was going to hell in a hand basket because of those idiot Republicans Murtha, Pelosi and Reid. I was SHOCKED I tell you. I didn't know that it was this bad. When shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Murtha, Reid and Pelosi (and many others they mentioned) were Democrats, it was their turn to be shocked. Handily, a professor of a Michigan College in Kalamazoo was present at one of these interviews and she was pissed off because 5 of her students found out while she was present that she was a damned liar. She was the one that told these kids that Murtha, Reid and Pelosi were Republicans. I have found the same here in Texas. A small portion of that experience is expressed in this post and therein the beginnings of a Snooper Movement began. This, I believe, is why Patriotism no longer means what it once did. Nowadays, patriotism is defined as to how much you are WILLING to pay in taxes. The more you pay, the more patriotic one is. So, patriotism can be bought now, according to the DNC as expressed by Joe Biden. Doesn't this belay what True Patriotism is? I think so. Approximately eight hours ago, I posted a piece entitled, "America? When Will Enough Be Enough?". I hear many politicians utter that we are at a crossroads and yadayadayadayada. They are correct but for the wrong reasons. In that post, I cited some nonsense that has been swallowed up by the shallow-minded and ignorant ones that believe socialism actually works. They obviously don't know their history. Or they do and they have been taught that socialism fails because the "wrong people have tried it". (See if you can recall which politician said that). I will place that citation here once more, emphasis mine... [...] I realize there are people uncomfortable with aggressive language and action. That's the difference between liberal weenies and movement progressives. Liberal weenies sit around thinking that "the truth" is enough for victory, and that if we simply explain to voters why Democrats are better, why, we can't possibly lose any elections! That's the crowd that wants to keep the "high ground" and doesn't want to go down in the gutters and fight the GOP where they live, lest we get a little muddied ourselves. Movement progressives realize that we must do everything necessary allowable under the law to win because elections have consequences. This isn't about who is most pure, but about taking the fight to the enemy and aggressively embracing progressivism, offering clear contrasts between us and them, and fighting fire with fire. There's no ambiguity about where I belong. So to my fellow movement progressives, embrace that killer instinct and let's finish the job. We've got conservatives demoralized and on the run. They are retrenching around their most important voices. So let's pick off those they've left exposed and go after their best defended leaders as well. Let's get rid of John Shadegg and Mitch McConnell and Liddy Dole and the rest of them. Leave them leaderless, and susceptible to takeover by the Evangelical Right that so freaked out Wall Street conservatives during the primaries (when Huckabee was briefly in the lead). [...]And there you have it. So, tell me, if you could, on which side of the fence are the Enemies of The State dwelling? Is it within the GOP or the DNC? Help me out here - or yourself - if you have the courage to do so. FYI, progressives are socialists. Socialism cannot co-exist in the same country as a Federal Republic whose Constitution is diametrically opposed to the very tenets of socialism, communism or Marxism. Prove me wrong...I triple dog dare you. One or the other must go. Either socialism reigns supreme or the United States Constitution reigns supreme. There is no middle ground. There is no room for negotiation. There is no room for compromise. ![]() So, America. What will it be? Fight or roll over? |
Radarsite vs. The Muslim Brotherhood: Small Battles in the Big War Posted: 20 Oct 2008 04:28 AM CDT ![]() ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous said... I am afraid to inform you that the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood or of any Muslim is not to creat a global Islamic world! Islam gives the right to Christians and Jews to live among Moslems! When are you going to stop attacking Islam without reading or studying it? When are you going to stop spreading fear? When are you going to stop hating something you dont even know! October 19, 2008 1:00 PM Roger W. Gardner said... To Anonymous -- I have decided not to delete this comment of yours because I want to call you a liar in public. Just who the hell do you think you're talking to? Some illiterate nincompoop? I have been studying history probably longer than you have been alive. In my heavily annotated copy of the Koran there are 434 pages. Of these 434 pages, 288 pages contain some form of usually quite graphic violence or threats of violence invariably aimed at the apostates or infidels or Jews. I have read literally hundreds of the Hadiths and Sira and the accompanying texts and enough Islamic literature to make me sick to my stomach. Your bloodthirsty cult drips of hatred and revenge and intolerance. Your only hope in this world is that people won't see it for what it is. And, yes, I am spreading hatred, hatred for your abysmal cult of death and all that it stands for and all of the misery it has brought to every land it has touched.Your sacred Mohammed is an abomination, a criminal, a child molester and a murderer. His so-called religion is nothing but a cult of warfare and rapine.You abhor the world of freedom and truth, and so you despise the West.You live in insane fear of the power of women and the wickedness of the Other. All who are not believers are to be treated as either second class citizens or enemies. You have slithered into our midst like a serpent and you are just as deadly. Your only hope of survival here lies with those gullible liberal fools who do not know you. You have made a strategic blunder by coming onto this site and attempting to preach your lies. We know better here. Here you will find no gullible fools, but people who have done their homework and who have learned to despise you and everything you stand for. Don't come back here again or I will delete you the next time. You are not welcome here. This site is devoted to your ruin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some supportive comments from Radarsite readers: October 19, 2008 1:38 PM Findalis said... Well said Roger. This person is either ignorant of the true nature of Islam or a member of the MB and trying to convince you that they are peaceful and benign. The major cause of terrorism in the world for the past 50 years has been Islam and Jihad.It is time for people to wake up and smell the coffee. The threat is real and here in the US. October 19, 2008 3:53 PM Ben said... "...The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood or of any Muslim is not to creat a global Islamic world!"8:39 commands war on Pagans until only Allah is worshipped "alltogether and everywhere". [Abdullah Yusuf Ali]9:29 commands war on Jews & Christians until they are subjugated and pay extortion. 9:33 It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâm), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) hate (it). Carefully examine 13:41 See they not that We gradually reduce the land (of disbelievers, by giving it to the believers, in war victories) from its outlying borders. And Allâh judges, there is none to put back His Judgement and He is Swift at reckoning.And 14:15 But they (the Messengers) sought victory and help [from their Lord (Allâh)], and every obstinate, arrogant dictator (who refuses to believe in the Oneness of Allâh) was brought to a complete loss and destruction.***"Islam gives the right to Christians and Jews to live among Moslems!"Islam first conquers them! Islam attacks, conquers, subjects its victims to dhimmitude; less than second class citizenship. ***"When are you going to stop spreading fear?"When Is Islam going to stop casting terror? I refer to 3:151 & 8:12, ratified by 33:26 and confirmed by Bukhari4.52.220 . We hate Islam precisely because we know it; because we have read its canon of scripture, tradition, exegeses & jurisprudence; we recognize pure, unmitigated evil when we see it. We know how Hindu Kush got its name. We want no part of it. anonymous is a piker; an amateur apologist for 'slime. I have taken on two of his betters: Masood Khan & Hemayet Udden, OIC Ambassadors. You can witness their deliaring at Islamophobia Exposed: Exposing Malicious Malarkey. October 19, 2008 8:00 PM Ben said... The MB was founded by Hassan al-Banna. Read what he wrote: The Way of Jihad and curse Islam!He also wrote this: By jihad, I mean that divinely ordained obligation which is reflected in the following saying of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and which Muslims are to carry out until the Day of Judgement:'Whoever dies without struggling in the Way of Allah, or wishing to do so, dies a Pre Islamic Jahiliya death.'Its weakest degree is the heart's abhorrence of evil. and its highest degree is fighting in the Way of Allah. Between these two degrees are numerous forms of jihad, including struggling with the tongue, pen, or hand, and speaking a word of truth to a tyrannical ruler.This call (to Islam) cannot survive without Jihad. The more lofty and far reaching the call, the greater the struggle in its path. The price required to support it is huge, but the reward given to its upholders is more generous.'And strive in the Way of Allah as you ought to.'(Surat-al-Hajj (22), ayah 78)http://www.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/tmott/There is one and only one thing to be said to Allah and his slaves: Go to Hell and be damned. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting visitors:Full-screen IP Address: Host: host- ISP: Provider Local Registryte Data Entry Page Time: 19th October 2008 15:15:50 Location: Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt Entry Page: http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/10/fouse-report-5-oct-08.html Exit Page: http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/10/fouse-report-5-oct-08.html Referring URL: http://radarsite.blogspot.com/2008/10/fouse-report-5-oct-08.html |
October in New England: Conflicting Signs, Competing Realities Posted: 19 Oct 2008 01:51 PM CDT ![]() This town where I live, this quintessential small New England village is beautiful in the Fall. Sometimes I forget how beautiful. Yesterday was a crisp clean October afternoon. It was Saturday and I was driving through town to get my groceries for the weekend. I was away from my computer and out into the real world. Comforted by the surprise of the cool fresh air and the reassuring solidity of this unchanging historical reality which surrounds me. Clean white wood frame houses, tall slender church steeples rising up into a cloudless blue sky. And then there are the people, some of them my friends, up on ladders, painting their houses, in their yards raking leaves or playing with the kids. I wave at some of them as I pass and they wave back. Joggers jogging, lost in their zone. Young lovely mothers pushing baby carriages, thinking about the future. I forgot how beautiful it all is. How beautiful and powerful and overwhelming this particular reality can be. I'm on my way to the store and I'm driving through this great undeniable reality, and I am comforted by its immutability. There is of course another reality, an alternative reality, a competing reality, that not-so-reassuring reality I left behind me on my computer. And it seems so far behind me now, so foreign to this glorious day, so infinitely removed from this crisp bright Saturday afternoon. I comfort myself with the thought that that other reality I left behind me is nothing more than a virtual reality, an insubstantial two-dimensional reality, that exists only on my computer screen or in my overwrought imagination. It's not a real reality like the one I'm out in now. It has not the same weight nor credibility of this sumptuous October afternoon in New England. I am temporarily comforted by this thought. I think about those dark, looming existential threats that I left back home on that now-darkened computer screen, and they seem as inconsequential and amorphous as children's fantasies, as foolish and spooky as Halloween ghosts. What power do they have here? I ask myself. What have these hypothetical specters of creeping sharia and pending Socialistic doom to do with this real tangible world I see around me now? Do these people who I pass on my way to the store look frightened or vulnerable? If I stopped and asked one of them if they were living in fear of al Qaeda right now, what would they answer? If I stopped and asked that man who is raking leaves in his front yard if he's worried about America losing its national sovereignty or the encroachment os Islam into our Judeo/Christian culture, what would he say? These are the normal people living in their normal world. That alternative reality is as absurd and out-of-place here as a Transylvanian vampire. I take in a deep breath of New England air and smile. I feel better now. I'm back in the real reality. It's a beautiful day and I'm on my way to the store to get groceries for the weekend and I'm happy and healthy and I'm not in any pain, and that other reality is as faraway and impotent as some old movie I saw long ago. To waste my life worrying about the threats from that other reality is as foolhardy as wasting my life worrying about being abducted by UFOs. But then I start seeing the signs. Just one or two at first. Then more and more of them, until they seem to be everywhere. They are the signs of Obama. And they are from that other reality I thought I had left behind but hadn't. And my Saturday afternoon is suddenly not so pleasant anymore, not quite so invulnerable as it was just a minute ago. I had asked myself, How could all this that I see out my window, how could all this great American reality actually change? And the answer is in the signs. How many people in how many different worlds looked around them in history and asked these same great questions? How could all this change? It is incomprehensible. Then I see another little sign, tacked up on a telephone pole. An innocuous little sign, weather beaten and torn at the edges -- it's been up there for quite a while now. "No room in this town for hate" it reads. And I shudder to myself. This is the sign that advertises our vulnerabilities and our weaknesses. This is what makes this beautiful little town of mine so friendly and pleasant and so blind to the steady encroachment of that other less friendly reality. We have no room here for hate. And without hate we are vulnerable to those who hate us. We are, this sign proclaims, a community determined to be tolerant and just. We are fair-minded and trusting. We don't just welcome the Other into our midst, we eagerly embrace them. And if you are different than us, we say, if your culture is different than ours, and if your values are different from ours, no matter, we will embrace you just the same. Our survival is secondary to our tolerance. It occurs to me that these different signs are all coming from the same places, these Obama signs and these 'no hate' signs. They were put up by the same people. They are making the same statement and they are proud of their statement. They want the world to know that we care, that we recognize our culpability in the evils that have beset mankind and this great green planet of ours, and we are going to make amends. We are going to change. You just wait and see. These are the competing realities that are fighting for the dominance of my soul on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. I am in the world of the reality of the normal people for a little while, and sometimes I feel so out of place, my bleak alarmist pessimism seems as fantastic and incongruous here in this bright sunlight as that misplaced Transylvanian vampire. If only I could stay in this reality forever... |
Posted: 19 Oct 2008 12:46 PM CDT ![]() The other day I asked Who is Joe The Plumber and I also provided the answer. I am Joe, you are Joe, every hard working American that has trouble paying their bills, but hopes for a brighter future by working their tails off, saving money, planning to buy a business and worries about what Barack Obama's socialist tax plans will take from us, is Joe. Barack Obama went to Joe, his own home, his own driveway and Joe did something the left and the media found unforgivable, he asked Obama a legitimate question about Obama's tax policies. Obama answered the question by saying he wanted to "spread the wealth." Instead of focusing on Obama's answer, which considering he is the one running for president, everyone should have done, the left and the liberal media decided to go after "Joe", digging into how much he owed in taxes, his life, everything...instead of digging into Obama's policies, Obama's answers, Obama's associations with people like William Ayers. Instead of vetting Obama, the candidate, they went after Joe, a guy who asked a simple question. John McCain, in an interview with Chris Wallace, stated it perfectly, when he said people went out of their way to "savage" Joe. McCain: And Joe the Plumber — of course, Joe the Plumber is the average citizen, and Joe the Plumber is now speaking for me and small business people all over America. And they're becoming aware that spreading — that we need to spread the wealth around — it's not what small business people want. McCain also made this point, "You know what? American citizens ought to be able today to ask a president — candidate in their driveway a question and not have their whole life and everything..." ![]() "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher appeared on Mike Huckabee's show and he makes the same point: Mr. Huckabee said that Mr. Wurzelbacher only asked a question when Mr. Obama happened to stop by his current neighborhood a week ago. Mr. Huckabee asked how Mr. Wurzelbacher felt about the scrutiny he'd received. Israel Matzav, who generally doesn't write about these type of topics, did in this case and points to a couple interesting points of view: But today I received a link to this post, which describes some of what Joe has gone through for having the chutzpa to ask The One whether he would raise Joe's taxes. I believe what the left, the far left liberals and the liberal media has managed to do for the right is to show that they will work to try to destroy anyone that dares ask Obama some legitimate questions, questions they never bothered to ask him. Questions they have done their best to avoid addressing about Obama. Instead they go out of their way to "savage" Joe and to do anything possible to avoid and distract from the fact that it was Obama that said "spread the wealth." It was Obama's answer that caused all the fuss, but where the left, Obama supporters and the liberal media made their biggest mistake was to ignore Obama's answer and let the American people see them attack, savagely attack, Joe...... simply because he asked a question. Americans understand that it isn't the "rich" that was attacked when they went after Joe like dogs with a bone, it was an ordinary, hard working American that is being attacked. It is them being attacked. It is you being attacked. It is me being attacked. It is every American that wants to reach for that brass ring, buy a business, make it successful enough, by their own hard work, to earn over $250,000 and are scared that if they do so, if they work hard enough to accomplish their goal, Obama would take their hard earnings away from them and hand their money to someone who didn't earn it. Yes, I am Joe, and folks, so are you. How does it feel to be attacked and savaged? . |
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