Wake up America |
Video- Sarah Palin In Colorado Posted: 21 Oct 2008 12:49 PM CDT The beginning of the video below is John McCain discussing Joe Biden's comments yesterday when he said that if Barack Obama was elected, within six months there would be an "international crisis" and people wouldn't be happy with how Barack Obama handled it. 50 seconds into the video, it shows Sarah Palin speaking to a large crowd in Colorado, where she discusses Barack Obama's socialism plans for America. The crowd loves her and she received an amazing response when she pointed out "we are all Joe". . |
Palin Gives Obama A Nickname: 'Barack the Wealth Spender' Posted: 21 Oct 2008 10:23 AM CDT I love it. Sarah Palin added a little something into her stump speech, something we mentioned yesterday after reading a piece at the NRO, about "Phil the bricklayer", "Rose the teacher" and hundreds of other people that identify with "Joe the Plumber". Long story short for those that somehow missed the talk of who Joe The Plumber is, his name is Joe Wurzelbacher and when Barack Obama came to his street, his driveway, Joe asked Obama a simple question about his tax plan, to which Obama made the comment heard around the world in saying "spread the wealth" which means income redistribution. Now at Rallies, people are all showing up, plumbers, construction workers, teachers and bricklayers as well as hundreds of other occupations, all wondering why Obama's answer wasn't spoken about by the media, but instead they all attacked "Joe" for asking the question. Caught up? Good. In that NRO piece yesterday, another name came up, Tito Munoz, a Colombian immigrant who came here and built his American dream. Tito was noticed at a recent rally when he took on the media angrily about their behavior toward Joe, their savaging him for daring ask Obama a question. Sarah Palin noticed Tito as well it seems and she had some things to say about him.
The best part though is the nickname Palin now has given Barack Obama. "Barack the Wealth Spender", what an appropriate name too. The man that wants to take other peoples hard earned wealth and spread it around, spend it as he sees fit and hand it out like welfare to those that did not earn it. LA Times is talking about Tito as well: At a John McCain rally in Virginia on Saturday, Tito Munoz had come to face the enemy: the news media, which had declared war on Joe Wurzelbacher. Lest fools think Obama's plan is not to take from hard working Americans to hand out to those that did not earn it, here is his tax plan broken down for you, via the Wall Street Journal: Titled "Obama Talks Nonsense on Tax Cuts" Now, if you have been following this so far, you have learned that people who pay no income tax will get an income tax refund. You have also learned that this check will represent relief for the payroll taxes these people do pay. And you have been assured that this rebate check won't actually come out of payroll taxes, lest we harm Social Security. That is just the beginning of looking into the "fine print" of Barack Obama's so-called "tax cuts". He seems to think if he simply changes the name of what he is doing to make it "sound" pretty, people will actually believe him and run around repeating it. Some idiots actually do too, so he is right in thinking certain folks are too stupid to read the plan and understand the illusion he has created is nothing more than an illusion. All previous WUA pieces about Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher found here. . |
Reclaiming the Power of Hate: Revisited Posted: 21 Oct 2008 07:08 AM CDT ![]() The second reason is to respond to the avalanche of outraged and indignant liberal commenters to my October in New England article cross posted to Susan Duclos' fine Wake Up America website. Basically, October in New England attempts to address the liberals adamant refusal to acknowledge the existential threats that confront us, or to accept the premise that an Obama presidency is one of the worst of these threats. Interwoven into this premise is a refutation of the liberal concept of tolerating the intolerant. This is the offending paragraph: Then I see another little sign, tacked up on a telephone pole. An innocuous little sign, weather beaten and torn at the edges -- it's been up there for quite a while now. "No room in this town for hate" it reads. And I shudder to myself. This is the sign that advertises our vulnerabilities and our weaknesses. This is what makes this beautiful little town of mine so friendly and pleasant and so blind to the steady encroachment of that other less friendly reality. We have no room here for hate. And without hate we are vulnerable to those who hate us. We are, this sign proclaims, a community determined to be tolerant and just. We are fair-minded and trusting. We don't just welcome the Other into our midst,we eagerly embrace them. And if you are different than us, we say, if your culture is different than ours, and if your values are different from ours, no matter, we will embrace you just the same. Our survival is secondary to our tolerance. Here is one response: I don't know what Sharia law and socialism have to do with what Roger was warning against. Does he mean that these are evils and that only hatred can protect us from them? And another: This post reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently..."All Fanatics Must Be Killed" it said...Apart from the hysterical thinking behind the idea that a Democratic administration won't care about protecting America, or that the public sector's role in responsible regulation of the economy is somehow equivalent to Stalinism I would point out that hate is always the product of fear. I refuse to live in fear, and it frankly saddens me to see how many Americans have chosen to do otherwise.There is nothing courageous or noble or useful about hatred; being able to defend ourselves depends on courage, foresight and thoughtfulness while hatred brings blindness, paralysis and violence. I wish more Americans would forget their hatred and embrace courage. And here is a short exchange with a commenter to that original article:
------------------------------------------------------------- This I believe has become a truly crucial topic, perhaps even more critical today than when this article was first written over a year ago. To put oneself in the position of promoting hatred, violence and war is certainly not a way of winning any popularity contests. But, unfortunately, the problems addressed in these essays are not just going to go away because we find them unpleasant to deal with; if anything, they have become even more pertinent and deadly. At the very core of this monumental debate is the concept that we are presently in a war, a war for our very existence. If you still doubt the validity of this basic premise, if you still honestly believe that this recent Taliban murder of this innocent and defenseless young aid worker is just an aberration, an unfortunate episode that should be addressed as an isolated criminal act; that the proper response to this criminal act should be some form of formal diplomatic indignation; if you still believe that the threats posed to our nation by unchecked Muslim immigration and the slow, subtle but undeniable infiltration of sharia law into our American judicial system; and that the gradual Socialization of America and the accompanying inevitable loss of our national sovereignty are merely the twin bogeymen of right-winger conspiracies, then there is probably no point in reading further. If, however, this particular Afghan murder of this particular young woman makes your blood boil and pushes you beyond outrage and indignation; if you see this great nation of ours slipping away from us; and all of the core values upon which this great and noble experiment was founded being eroded, undermined and displaced; if you feel, as I do, that within a very short span of time our national resolve will be tested in ways which today may be inconceivable; and that we are in so many ways increasingly vulnerable and imperilled, then please read on. - rg |
Incredible: Murtha Unhinged - Racists and Rednecks Posted: 21 Oct 2008 01:04 AM CDT I try and stay away from writing about John Murtha because every time I do, I feel soiled and violated and no matter how much I scrub and no matter how many times I shower, the filth doesn't seem to be gone. The man is a lout and he disgusts me and besmirches the names of the Troops all for the Almighty Political Power. He destroyed the lives and the careers of eight of his "fellow" Marines for political expediency and he is one of the subjects in my research in my quest to expose the Dems and Terrorists Syndrome or, DTS. All but one Marine have been exonerated and hopefully the last one will also be cleared...he was once but someone is now trying to save face. Pathetic. Anyway, we have all heard by now that he made the claim that Western Pennsylvania was a racist area namely because Obama is doing poorly there and since he made that statement, Barack began to fair worse. Murtha then went on and said that he really didn't mean what he said. He is a typical member of the Leftinistra and as Jim O'Neill stated in his article at Canada Free Press in regards to Obama, Murtha is now in the SOP mode by conducting himself as follows: "Obfuscate, misdirect, and downplay all dangerous questions, but most importantly, simply deny." Murtha is in the OWM...Official Waffle Mode. It isn't working. Murtha canceled the scheduled debate with his opponent LTC William Russell, of whom Cyber Pastor and myself had lunch with him in DC during a Vets For Freedom event. I also accompanied, by invitation, LTC Russell and at least two Haditha Marines to Murtha's office in DC. At first, he wasn't there but then we learned he was there and did not have the time to visit with his constituents but later on had the time to meet with Code Skank. The man, and I use that term very loosely, is a coward. I was there when LTC Russell issued the Debate Challenge to one of Murtha's "helpers" there in his office and heard for myself that "Rep Murtha always puts the Troops first". All of us in the group mentioned that we are the Troops and we didn't see it that way. Now, in light of his political cowardice of not visiting with his constituents that oppose his standings and will meet with constituents and non-constituents that agree with him, and having lied about the Haditha non-Massacre, and calling his constituents racists and then "un-calling" them that, he cancels his debate with LTC Russell. And now...and now the worthless toad Murtha has come out and shot himself in the foot one more time. His district is now not racists but they are rednecks. From Saleno Zito of the Forty-Fourth Estate: On the heels of telling the Pittsburgh Tribune Review that racism would play into the vote in Western Pennsylvania for president next month, Rep. Jack Murtha told local Pittsburgh television station WTAE that it's difficult for many in the area to change, saying just five to 10 years ago the entire area was "redneck."Well, I know how he feels about it and so does everyone else. Murtha doesn't and Murtha is in a panic. Nothing will please me more than watching Murtha pack his crap and move out of DC. The following are articles, pieces and posts I have read to develop the above post and no authors were injured in the development: Vets 4 Russell, Weasel Zippers, Pat Dollard, CEM, Ace, CR, NB, BF, MM, GP, Ace, HA, TCB, PL, drillanwr, Yid With Lid wrote this a while back in regards to Murtha... "You can wipe the rest of your life Mister, you will never wipe off that yellow stain"-Caine Mutiny Bingo and Roger That. More at Pittsburgh News with video here...and the Power Line post linked above is gathering data that may be pointing to a LTC Russell win over Murtha, Saints be Praised! |
Banks In Colorado And Oklahoma Receive Letters With White Powder Posted: 20 Oct 2008 06:03 PM CDT Nine or ten banks in two states have received letters containing a white powder which caused a flurry of activity with evacuations and even a couple people being taken to the hospital for testing as a precaution. Preliminary testing has shown the white powder is not toxic. 9News.com says nine banks, yet ABC7 News says it is ten banks in the two states. Some of the banks were closed and evacuated as police and Hazmat crews were called in to investigate and decontaminate. From 9News: All of the banks that were sent the letters were Chase Bank branches. More at Reuters but I am not seeing anything about the language of what is being called the "threatening" letters. Rogers said Chase would not release the total number of banks affected until they were sure all the letters had been found. At least it was a false alarm but shutting down banks like this is definitely worrisome especially with the number of banks this happened to. 6 of the banks and locations have been released as: Denver -- 3300 Colorado Blvd. Denver -- 1760 16th St. Lakewood -- 1400 W. Colfax Arvada -- 8015 Kipling St. Arapahoe County -- 16746 E. Smoky Hill Road Westminster -- 94th and Sheridan . |
Reader Generated 'I am Joe, McCain/Palin' Sign Posted: 20 Oct 2008 04:41 PM CDT Reader Susan Bailey, graphic artist has created a sign saying "I am Joe" and underneath of it "McCain/Palin" and has kindly offered it to WUA so that readers can use it if they wish. ![]() Anyone that wishes the PDF forwarded to them, just email wakeupamerica.spree@gmail.com and put "I am Joe" sign as the subject and I will email it to you. Susan Bailey, thank you for making the sign and offering it. . |
Joe Biden:If Obama Is Elected There Will Be A International Crisis Posted: 20 Oct 2008 02:19 PM CDT I guess we now know why Palin is more accessible to the press than Biden and Obama is, he simply destroys Obama whenever he opens his mouth. ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions. Biden warns everyone to "gird their loins." My heavens, Biden just gave everyone one perfect reason for why it is dangerous to vote for him to be president. Voting Obama in will increase our risk for an "incident" and his inexperience will guarantee that folks will not agree with his handling of the predicted (by Biden no less) "crisis." There is a hundred different things I could say to this, but let us look at a few reactions from around the web. Hot Air:
Commentary Magazine: Biden is saying two things about an Obama presidency: first, that Obama will be tested by America's rivals; and second, that Obama's response to such a test will likely be unpopular with the American people. Presumably Biden does not believe that the reason for that unpopularity will be because Obama is too decisive or too tough with our enemies — it will be because Obama is perceived as too soft and indecisive in a crisis. Confederate Yankee: Good grief. PowerLine:
Just One Minute:
Weekly Standard: I don't think anyone has ever accused Joe Biden of being "fasely humble", but at least he has a high enough IQ to realize he ought to shut up after he saw a reporter in the back of the room: "I probably shouldn't have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here." Perfunction, who also has a portion of Biden's idiocy on video: On the very same day that Colin Powell's endorsement supposedly calmed the nerves of those worried about Obama's foreign policy inexperience, running mate Joe Biden makes the counter-argument --- God love 'im: The Jawa Report gets right to the heart of the issue: Stunning in its stupidity....just freaking WOW! Find more blog reaction at memeorandum. Well, you might also notice when you click the memeorandum link that the liberals, the Obama supporters, are completely ignoring Biden's words, they are praying he and his big mouth will just go away. First Obama tells "Joe the plumber" the truth about his plans for socialism and now Biden tells the truth in how dangerous an Obama presidency will be and that Obama's response to an "international crisis" won't be popular or even correct. WOW, talk about making your opponents case for them!!! Keep up the good work Joe, we luv ya!!! . |
Posted: 20 Oct 2008 01:23 PM CDT ![]() NRO has an article up that is a must read. Phil the bricklayer, Rose the teacher, construction workers for McCain, all making the point, with their presence and their signs that they are "Joe". Joe Wurzelbacher, a plumber was visited by Barack Obama and dared ask him a question about his tax plan, Obama's answer included the phrase "spread the wealth" around showing his plans to bring socialism to America. Boy did that cause a fuss and instead of looking into Obam's answer, the media, Obama supporters and Obama surrogates as well as Joe Biden and Barack Obama, decided that "savaging" Joe was a better way to spend their time. The backlash can be seen at McCain rallies, with every day, hard working Americans, bringing signs showing that THEY ARE JOE!!! Woodbridge, Va. — Tito Munoz was ready to rock when John McCain showed here up at the Connaughton Community Plaza in Woodbridge, Virginia Saturday afternoon. Dressed in a yellow hard hat covered with McCain-Palin stickers, wearing an orange high-visibility vest, Munoz carried a hand-lettered sign that said CONSTRUCTION WORKER FOR McCAIN. He got a coveted spot in the bleachers directly behind McCain, where he could be seen in the camera shot along with the guy holding the sign that said PHIL THE BRICK LAYER and the woman with the ROSE THE TEACHER banner. He cheered a lot. Read the whole thing and while you are at it, take a look at someone else who identifies with "Joe", a Colombian immigrant, here legally, who is outraged to see Joe attacked and Obama's Ayers connection completely ignored by the media. Munoz said he owned a small construction business. "I have a license, if you guys want to check," he said. ![]() I show Munoz's words because yesterday I wrote a piece saying "I am Joe" and it seems that others can identify with Joe as well, and they what I said they were feeling yesterday when I said: Americans understand that it isn't the "rich" that was attacked when they went after Joe like dogs with a bone, it was an ordinary, hard working American that is being attacked. Looks to me like Obama supporters, Obama, Biden and the media forgot that hard working, ordinary citizens of this great country can identify with Joe and they are not liking the attacks on him and they are standing up for him, against Obama and for John McCain. All previous WUA pieces about Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher found here. . |
Michelle Obama - African Press Update 10/20/08 Posted: 20 Oct 2008 01:13 PM CDT
For us in API we wanted to get the tapes released - aired by a news channel that has a good reputation in the US, one that has listeners interested in the elections.API reports that an email is circulating (read it at the above link) saying API is looking for monetary bidders for the tape, which they strongly deny. Well...Philip Berg is a feisty attorney. We'll see what this brings |
Obama and Ayers Shared an Office for Three Years Posted: 20 Oct 2008 12:53 PM CDT Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook Photo credit: AP Barack Obama's Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) office and William Ayers' Small Schools Workshop shared the same address for a number of years - three years that can be proven by tax returns. Visit Jon at Verum Serum for a look at his verifying screen shots and updates on the monies directly distributed by Barack Obama through the CAC (more than previously known), and a note about the $750,000.00 given to John Ayers, William Ayers' father, from the coffers of the CAC. Remember, Obama has faced the cameras and told the voters that Weather Underground terrorist, William Ayers, is just "a guy in the neighborhood." He lied, yet again. To Verum Serum, great reporting! William Ayers writes about Barack Obama: Michelle Malkin, courtesy of "ex-blogger," See-dubya, snagged a quote by Bill Ayers about THAT other guy in the neighborhood, Barack Obama. Here's the story: You may remember that as Associate Dean of Student Services at University of Chicago, Michelle Obama hosted a 1997 panel discussion based on a book published that same year by William Ayers, The Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court. State Senator Barack Obama was the only other panelist, and Obama was there in support of Ayers' position that juvenile offenders should not be placed into the adult prison system. Students were invited to attend the discussion. Speaking of the Hyde Park area of Chicago, where the University of Illinois is located, Ayers says: Our neighbors include Muhammad Ali, former mayor Eugene Sawyer, poets Gwendolyn Brooks and Elisabeth Alexander, and writer Barack Obama. Minister Louis Farrakhan lives a block from our home and adds, we think, a unique dimension to the idea of "safe neighborhood watch": the Fruit of Islam, his security force, has an eye on things twenty-four hours a day.Then Ayers dishes about the urban blight surrounding his "safe neighborhood" and quotes Mike Nichols (I'm assuming this is the director, writer, producer, grad of the University of Chicago, and husband of ABC's Diane Sawyer] who once described Hyde Park as: "...the only racially integrated neighborhood in Chicago," and then added caustically, "it's black and white shoulder to shoulder against the poor.""There's painful truth in that description," says Ayers, "as the powerful university and its allied neighborhood association have worked to manipulate boundaries and borders to assure "stability" and separation." Ayers says he passes Farrakhan's mansion each day, turns North a couple of blocks and "into the lap of urban blight," - which, remember, the residents of Hyde Park stand shoulder to shoulder, on-guard AGAINST intrusion into their tony neighborhood. Barack Obama speaks about William Ayers: Being neighborly demands the return of a good deed. Right? So Obama reviews Ayers' book shortly after the panel discussion. ![]() Thanks to Zomblog for sharing the research, and Dr. Sanity for the heads-up. Ayers believes that he and his terrorist buddies from the Weather Underground, as well as his terrorist wife, Bernardine Dohrn, have been a great force for social justice in America - standing up for the poor and the oppressed - and bombing American institutions like the Pentagon, the State Department and the U.S. Capitol. In truth, he cost America taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollar in the 1970's for repair to some of our most beloved institutions, he threatened lives and later, after Barack Obama thought Ayers was rehabilitated, he blatantly stole huge sums of money from Chicago schools. William Ayers speaks about William Ayers: In September 2008, Ayers blogged about his mission as a terrorist and provided a cartoon strip to quote himself! The MSM, for the most part, ignored this message from William Ayers. Of the few places I've found the "strip" printed, Global Labor nailed it. The text in the "strip" is small, so Global Labor provided it, along with some great commentary following the cartoon strip. |
Scrubbing The Obama-Ayers Connection? Posted: 20 Oct 2008 12:53 PM CDT Nice try but no cigar is the basic theme over at Patterico's Pontifications. It seems that Obama tried to denied launching his career in the living room of William Ayers, known domestic terrorist that admitted to planting and detonating bombs on US soil, the Capital, the Pentagon, police stations and a judge's home. It also seems that the reports of his now famous launch in William Ayers' living room are now being scrubbed off the Internet, but not quite so fast, Patterico has the full quotes and screen shots of the original reports. Doing our small part in making sure this type of thing cannot be scrubbed into oblivion, here is the screen shot, via Patterico: ![]() Here is the full quote, via Jim Treacher: Thursday, January 27, 2005 Here is the original archive version. When is the left going to understand, once something is online, you cannot scrub it like it never existed? . |
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