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It Is Official, Sarah Palin Is John McCain's Vice Presidential Running Mate Posted: 29 Aug 2008 10:10 AM CDT After weeks of speculation about who John McCain would choose to be his vice presidential running mate, the "John McCain Veep Watch" is over and it is official that Sarah Palin has been chosen by McCain. Republican White House hopeful John McCain on Friday named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, US media reported. After early word from Chicago Tribune which stated a Republican source had confirmed Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was John McCain's vice presidential running mate pick as well as early speculation that Palin had arrived in Dayton Ohio, the news has been confirmed that Sarah Palin is, indeed, McCain's choice. Governor Palin's official website is down for the moment, it is assumed there are changes being made. Palin was the first and youngest female Governor elected in Alaska in 2006 after she defeated the incumbent governor in the Republican primary, then a former Democratic Alaskan governor in the general election. According to Associated Press reports Palin likens herself to a maverick as McCain has often been likened to and she is credited with being a candidate of reform. On the issues, her votes shows her to be pro-life, believes that the definition of marriage only be between and man and a woman, says she would sign a death penalty law if legislators passed it, she believes in fully funding K-12 and support early funding of education, believes ANWR should be open to drilling, she supports the Constitutional right to bear arms and she believes "nuisance taxes" including the tire tax should be repealed. Definitely not a choice many would call "safe" for John McCain, but definitely a choice that shows a willingness to think out of the box, so to speak. This will definitely energize the Republican Convention this year, she is a mother of 5 and if the Mccain/Palin team is elected in November, she will be the first Women Vice President of the United states of America. KUDOS JOHN MCCAIN. More from Wapo. [Update] If the McCain/Palin ticket is elected in the November presidential election, this would make Sarah Palin the first woman Vice President of the United states of America. [Update] Palin will be the first woman ever to serve on a Republican ticket and the first Alaskan ever to appear on a national ticket. [Update] The official press release from the John McCain campaign announcing the choice of Sarah Palin as his VP pick: ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain today announced that he has selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate and to serve as his vice president. This will be up within minutes at the John McCain website. [Update] Obama campaigns expected response: John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same A commenter on another forum, answers that beautifully, so I will quote her here: McCain elder Washington statesman/insider running for Pres, grooming ambitious like-minded Female for the next go round; Biden elder Washington stateman/insider running for V-P guiding younger Black Man who is President. Which one makes more sense to you? Nicely said GHL and thanks. Statement from the Illinois GOP just hot my email box: "Once again John McCain has proven that he is the leader who will move this country forward. More to come...... . |
The View From Down Under: How the Aussies See America Posted: 28 Aug 2008 11:50 PM CDT ![]() ![]() The View From Down Under Most Americans I think have a high regard for Aussies, based on our traditional mutual support of one another in our common wars. These positive views were I believe re-enforced recently with the rather sudden appearance of a whole bunch of first-rate Aussie movies in the 70s -- among some of my favorites would be Gallipoli and Breaker Morant. Then of course everybody loved Mel Gibson and Crocodile Dundee. Aussie culture quickly became the latest rage with the American in crowd. But Americans really don't know what Aussies think about them. And I think they might be surprised. I for one was very much surprised by the amount of support and honest affection for America coming from down under -- especially considering that our own leftist media has us all thinking that everyone in the world hates our guts. So I approached my good friend and fellow collaborator KG at Crusader Rabbit in Australia. Now, anyone who has had the pleasure of visiting CR already knows about their loyal band of regular commenters, smart, outspoken, fearless, and surprisingly well-informed about the state of affairs in the good ole US of A. So why not ask them? Why not give them the chance to voice their unique opinions about this beleaguered country of ours? Both the pros and the cons. Without their being filtered through the notoriously biased medias of both continents. Just plain old fashioned straight talk between fellow bloggers, just regular guys and gals who just happen to know what the hell they're talking about. So our good KG bought the idea and here we go. I hope my American readers find this as enlightening as I do. Although, perhaps unfairly we too often use the all-emcompassing term Aussies, we are, as you shall see, equally blessed to have many good friends and loyal readers from New Zealand as well. And obviously we look forward to your opinions with the same interest. So, without further preamble, here are a selection of some of the comments we have thus far received, the good, the bad, and hopefully not too much of the ugly. This is a brand new venture so we haven't really developed any rules -- just the usual deleting of obscenities and overtly anti-American rants. This will be for now at least an open ended posting; if more comments come in, we will simply add them to the article. Thank you all for your kind enthsiasm and your thoughtful offerings. We begin with a nice compliment from Katie: Katie It is a great idea. I too would love to hear the opinions from you guys. Katie Homepage Well Katie,I've made my feelings very plain for years now, but I'll kick off with this:There are millions of us worldwide who aare "American, just born in another place" as someone once said. We admire America for her liberties, her principled stand for freedom, for the decency and integrity of the overwhelming majority of her people. We see American airplanes and ships first on the scene of natural disasters, helping out with typical generosity and efficiency those who very often have had nothing good to say about her.We also see an enormous military that for all it's fearsome efficiency still manages to be extremely careful to distinguish the innocent from the enemy combatants, and takes casualties as a result.A powerhouse of innovation, inventiveness and productivity, a country where alternative viewpoints aren't subject to State terror.The list goes on and it's a damn long list at that.Do I regard America as perfect? Of course not--no country ever is nor ever can be. But I regard her as the closest thing yet to a free society and still the gold standard for liberty. It'll be a grim day indeed for the world should America ever fail to lead. kg Homepage 08.27.08 - 10:05 am # As Richard Jeni said: "America - fifty million illegal immigrants can't be wrong". And as I say: If America is really the "Great Satan", an awful lot of people seem to want to dance with the devil. Wake Up 08.27.08 - 10:48 am # I like Americans. In general they are polite, truthful and VERY patriotic. They would rather live in their own land rather than anywhere else (like us Aussies. Milk and cookies and a good knowledge of their nation's history is evident.Their election process worries me. It seems to be more about the availability of money for a campaign than actual issues. If I was an American I WOULD vote even though it is not compulsory. The Democrats will send the country to the shitter especially in these time when military might is paramount.The Brits have disowned us in defence (shafted us in the past) and we need the USA as our big brother.I worry that sometimes the Americans are too self absorbed and don't know enough of what goes on in the outside world. They have a huge country so it may be that there is no need for them to look outside their borders for the average citizen.Americans are portrayed on TV and in film as stereotypes. Stereotypes are few and far between. It is the plebeian public that chooses to accept what is portrayed through the media.It's only a small contribution KG but I hope it helps. Marc Anonymous 08.28.08 Thanks Marc--it sure does. kg 08.28.08 - Go read here Tiberius Homepage 08.28.08 And I didn't fuck up the link either! Tiberius Homepage 08.28.08 Let me get the bad out of the way first, what i don't like about America In a word, liberals. If you want me to list some of the things i don't like, bear in mind these aren't common to all Americans or confined only to America.Promiscuity.Materialism.Soft on immigration, i understand many Americans want strict controls, but there are enough who don't see the negative long-term effects of illegal immigration.The walls in apartment blocks are so thin.Have i mentioned liberals?You still pay tax.Aren't all the above the fault of lierbals, alright maybe not the walls, but you see why i don't like them don't you. What i like about America.T he right to bear arms, yeah, yeah banging that old drum again.The armed forces of the United States. America is a force for good in this world. Free speech, and i mean real free speech, not the kind the rest of us think we have. It's a beacon for liberty and safety.I t's the least socialist country i know of. America knows what to do with evil scum.The help that Americans freely give to the poor and suffering around the world.America saves us the true cost of standing on our own.Americas military hardware, wow. In America, you are free to succeed and free to fail. Everything is bigger in America. Americas' existence and success grates with Liberals the world over. America stands in the way of Communism.They killed those Nazi bastards. Didn't they save our asses in WWII. You don't pay as much tax in America. Fast food. Cheerleaders. The punisher. Cars are so much cheaper in America.What America has done in Iraq.The point of this post, Americans care what others think about them. MK Homepage 08.28.08 Read the rest at Radarsite: |
Text Of Barack Obama's Acceptance Speech As Prepared For Delivery Posted: 28 Aug 2008 08:50 PM CDT Word is Barack Obama made some last minute changes but this is the text as prepared for delivery, via Freep.com. Nothing unexpected in the speech shown below and makes John McCain's commercial before and after Obama's speech that much more poignant and a stroke of genius!!! First McCain's ad which has been shown before Obama's speech on television in battleground states and will be shown afterward as well, then read on for Obama's speech: To Chairman Dean and my great friend Dick Durbin; and to all my fellow citizens of this great nation; . |
John McCain Ad Playing During Barack Obama's Speech says 'Congratulations' Posted: 28 Aug 2008 05:21 PM CDT The McCain campaign will be airing an ad during the network coverage of Obama's acceptance speech given at the Invesco Field in Denver. John McCain speaks to the camera and congratulates Barack Obama. The ad is out and contrary to massive speculation earlier in the day, John McCain uses the moment to congratulate Barack Obama. Text of the ad shown above: "Senator Obama, this is truly a good day for America. Too often the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed. So I wanted to stop and say, congratulations. How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day. Tomorrow, we'll be back at it. But tonight Senator, job well done." The ad will be running Thursday on national cable television channels before and after Obama's address. The Obama campaign, via ABC's Political Punch, says it was "a very nice gesture" with Obama campaign manager stating, "We appreciate that. I wish more of his ads had that tone. But for tonight we appreciate it and will congratulate him next week on his nomination." Kudos to John McCain.... stroke of genius Dude. . |
Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:58 PM CDT [Updates] It is looking like Romney might just be the choice. See below. As they did last week when Obama chose Joe Biden as his vice presidential choice of running mate, the media is full of stories today about the possibilities and speculation of John McCain's choice. Does news of security details again blow the secret? With the media saying McCain has chosen his pick to be announced on Friday and John McCain playing coy and refuting that assertion and news of a special first-of-it's-kind type of ad prepared with John McCain speaking directly into the camera and issuing a messages expected to be aimed at Barack Obama, to be viewed tonight during the media coverage of Obama's acceptance speech, being announced, a few other stories are floating around the web. The latest one, from Roll Call, says that sources tell them of some type of security sweep having been performed at Mitt Romney's sister's house by the Secret Service, which is leading to more speculation about whether Mitt Romney is the person who will be announced as John McCain's vice presidential running mate. Other sources caution it is possible a security sweep would be performed if Romney were not the pick but would be appearing as some sort of surrogate at an event and a McCain campaign stop in Michigan. Even more sources suggest to Roll Call that Romney has had a new security detail for the last few days, without word on whether the detail was from Secret Service or some other security service. Via The Politico, it is being reported that John McCain has a new ad, with him speaking directly into the camera, which will be shown during the coverage tonight of Obama's acceptance speech. Tonight, John McCain will talk directly to his opponent in a television ad his campaign is airing in battleground states, around the time Barack Obama accepts the presidential nomination, McCain's campaign said. Drudge Report suggests that word will leak about McCain's Veep choice, to the media at approximate six p.m. with news outlets receiving "some sort" of confirmation by eight p.m, with Obama scheduled to speak between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m at Invesco Field in Denver. The New York Times and The Politico reports that Democratic officials are concerned about Obama's speech in that type of venue will reinforce McCain's ad messages which compare Obama to a "celebrity". According to McCain campaign communications director Jill Hazelbaker in an appearance on MSNBC, describes the McCain ad as "an historic ad," saying, "I think this is the first of its kind." She goes on to state, "Sen. McCain is going to have an ad that's going to air in battleground states around the time that Sen. Obama is speaking tonight. He's going to be talking directly to his opponent. So, I'm going to leave it there. But it's going be very exciting. I think that a lot of people are going to focus on it." This has, of course, fueled speculation about whether McCain will announce his vice presidential pick during that ad that will be airing while Obama gives his speech, with some even taking the guessing game to a new level by suggesting that McCain may surprise everyone and announce a female Veep pick. Last but not least in this segment of the McCain Veep Watch, is the potential for fireworks at the Republican Convention next week if John McCain should pick a a pro-choice candidate, such as Joseph Lieberman or Tom Ridge, with diehard conservatives threatening to cause a floor fight, which is reported on by ABC News. For political junkies, bloggers and writers, this would a goldmine of writing material, but for the Republican Party itself, it would be a nightmare. [Update] Fox News just reported that spokesman for McCain, Rick Davis, has just confirmed for them that John McCain has made his final choice on his vice presidential running mate selection. For some the "McCain Veep Watch," just became a Secret Service and "who is flying to Dayton" for tomorrows announcement watch. [Update] Pawlenty has been reported by LA Times Top of the Ticket, to have cleared his schedule for today and tomorrow, further adding speculation into the mix that perhaps he was chosen instead of Romney. Fox News has confirmed that Pawlenty has not canceled his weekly radio show to be conducted from Minneapolis on Friday. Fox News is also reporting, via television, that unconfirmed reports say that Romney was seen leaving leaving San Diego with a bag and perhaps guarded by Secret Service. Additional Note- It is also possible that Romney hired his own security as some sort of red herring after having seen how that type of news news tipped reporters off last week about the Obama choice. . |
Obama-Ayers: Failed Chicago Schools Under Ethnic Identity Agenda Posted: 28 Aug 2008 02:56 PM CDT Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook Bill Ayers Chicago Magazine Photo Angry Obama supporters were asked to contact WGN's 720 Extension radio talk show en masse to encourage the station to drop an interview with Stanley Kurtz, a National Review Online contributor with new information on Barack Obama. The show went on. No secret now, why the Obama Campaign is desperately trying to silence National Review Online's Stanley Kurtz. Milt Rosenberg's two-hour interview on WGN Radio last night with Kurtz revealed some of the agenda behind a late 1990's Chicago public school program, of which Barack Obama was at the helm. When news of the pending interview broke, the Obama campaign sent out emails, detailing talking points, and asking supporters to flood the radio station with calls and email messages, which they did. (The Obama Wire email appears at the end of this article.) The Obama campaign was offered to participate in the entire two hour interview. According to Rosenberg's producer, after the offer was made, a high-level Obama staffer asked for the name of the station manager and then hung up on the producer. I have listened to the entire interview. It is available for your listening pleasure here: ![]() Background and my synopsis of the interview: The University of Illinois released documents yesterday that propelled this conversation forward. Barack Obama and Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, who spent a number of years on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List, were the leading powers behind a massive educational reform for the city of Chicago. Then Secretary of Education, William Bennett stated that the Chicago educational system was the worst in the Nation. William Ayers prepared the proposal that got the seed money for the education reform program that would become the Chicago Annenberg Challenge - some $50M from the Annenberg Foundation, which was then matched by philanthropists and business interests - to total over $100M for Chicago's failing school system. With the money came the need for a organization - hence the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) was formed. The Chairman of the Board was Barack Obama. William Ayers was an ex-officio board member. The two attended meetings together...how often is not yet known. Obama and Ayers presided over a very powerful political duo: The CAC headed by Obama and The Collaborative, co-chaired by Ayers. It allegedly worked like this: "Programs" would apply to the CAC for an educational grant. Some programs were chosen, and others were not. Before the CAC was disbanded, almost all, if not all, of the monies were spent. Kurtz, reading from yesterday's released documents, gave these examples of who or what received the grants: Chosen to receive a grant: The South Shore African Village Collaborative for their "Celebrate African-American Holiday of Juneteenth" (celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation). Some African-Americans celebrate Juneteenth instead of the Fourth of July (a report fromTexas). Kurtz commented that in his reporting of Obama's previous church, Trinity United Church of Christ, some members told him that Juneteenth was their Independence Day, not Fourth of July (Kurtz did not say that all members held this view). Turned down to receive a grant: *The Chicago Algebra Project: goal to increase student achievement *The District 5 Math Initiative: goal to aid Hispanic students in the process of learning English, to further learn math and science. Kurtz characterized the information he viewed as showing grant preferences for ethnic identity projects. The grants were evidently not given to schools, but rather to "external partners," to which schools sought to attach themselves - such as a South Shore African Village Collaborative. In the meantime, after "external partners" received millions, ethnic identity didn't help math and science scores. It is interesting to note that this Chairman of the Board position was Obama's first "executive" experience. There's more: Obama's connections to the Gamaliel Foundation, Kurtz says has a "core point" advocating for a form of" liberation theology." He further states that his research shows that Jeremiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology preaching is not an anomaly. Kurtz refers to a book written by Dennis A. Jacobsen, Doing Justice - Congregations and Community Organizing. This book, according to Kurtz, embodies the views of the Gamaliel Foundation. Further he asserts that Greg Galluzo, "the most important figure" in the Gamaliel Foundation, approves Jacobsen's book, and is also an Obama mentor. Kurtz believes that Obama was a teacher at the Gamaliel Foundation before Jacobsen wrote the book. Kurtz does not know whether Obama has read the book. The last portion of the interview was given to callers and emails, most of which were angry that Kurtz was allowed radio time. One emailer confused Kurtz with Weekly Standard editor, Bill Kristol, referring to "the vile traitor Bill Kristol." Another asked about FCC oversight of the "unbalanced" station. It was striking that few callers had anything to say more than the email's talking points. Some pulled out the constant whine that Obama was only eight years old when the Weathermen were bombing our U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, the State Department building, etc. They further pointed out Obama has "denounced" William Ayers. He did not, however, denounce him until he was forced to for the sake of his political campaign, and he wasn't eight years old when he and Ayers began their educational reform. Obama Wire email as printed in The Politico. From: Obama Action WireDisclaimer: This is my view and my word-processed interpretation of portions of the interview, although I have diligently attempted to represent the conversation closely, if not exactly, as I heard it. Related: Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown (Kurtz) Inside Obama's Acorn (Kurtz) Obama/Ayers Funnel Funds to Jeremiah Wright and The Arab American Network? Why the Obama-Ayers Connection Matters |
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