ACT! for America Prepares to Tackle the Challenges of 2009 by Brigitte Gabriel Dear Charles, This is the third installment of a four-part series of emails I am sending you this week. Thank you for taking a few minutes each day to read these emails so that you can stay connected with what we’re doing and where we are headed. You are an important part of this team! (If you missed either of the first two you can read them on our email archives at The best way to describe 2009 is uncertainty. What will happen with the economy? How will an Obama presidency react and deal with international and domestic challenges? But one thing we can be certain of is this – our Islamist enemies are not going to go away. They will continue to pursue terrorism and cultural jihad to advance their supremacist ideology around the world. If anything, we should expect that they will work extra hard next year to take advantage of our economic uncertainties and President-elect Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience. I know that most people are focused on the economy, and understandably so. I also know that in unstable economic times it is more challenging for an organization like ours to grow. But we must keep pressing ahead, perhaps not as ambitiously as we had once hoped, but pressing ahead nevertheless. Why? Because threats like shariah-compliant financing are not going away – in fact, they’re accelerating! This is why our top priority for next year is to hire a full-time lobbyist to represent our interests on Capitol Hill. You’ve heard us mention this previously this year. The Saudi’s have spent millions and millions of dollars buying access and influence in Washington. We don’t have millions and millions of dollars, but our growing citizen action network will provide the grassroots “punch” necessary to get our concerns noticed. Here’s just one reason why we need this lobbyist. I can tell you with certainty that most members of Congress don’t understand even the most basic threats of cultural jihad – even those members who would be inclined to agree with us. While shariah-compliant financing infiltrates our financial institutions and our Treasury Department, these members of Congress have no idea what is happening. How can we expect our elected representatives to stand up against something they don’t even know exists? So one of the first tasks for our lobbyist will be to conduct briefings with members of Congress on the threat of shariah-compliant financing. Our lobbyist will take this message to every member who’s willing to listen. And while our lobbyist is doing this, we will alert you to contact your congressmen and senators and urge them to listen to what our lobbyist has to say. As this process of educating members of Congress proceeds I have no doubt that there will be many members of Congress who will be motivated to take action, such as introduce legislation or at least call for congressional hearings to investigate shariah-compliant financing. This will draw more attention to the issue and give us action items we can take to the grassroots. I can then promote these action items on radio and TV interviews across the country, focusing even more citizen attention on this “Trojan horse.” Americans are very angry about the economic meltdown and what has happened to their savings, investments and jobs – and rightfully so. What will they do when they see Wall Street and our government putting us at risk once again with this mad dash to secure shariah-compliant capital? More of them will become informed, more of them will take action, and more of them will join ACT! for America. And as they do we’ll be able to fight back against the threat of shariah-compliant finance with even greater force and effectiveness. But the missing link right now is having that hourly, daily, weekly – in other words, constant – presence on Capitol Hill. That’s what our own lobbyist will provide us. Our second priority for next year is the launch of a daily commentary on news and talk radio stations across the country. We have already begun exploring how many listeners we could reach and what it will cost to reach them. Imagine how much more effective we could be in pushing for action to stop threats like shariah-compliant financing if we were reaching millions of listeners every day! Imagine how many new members this would bring us, and how many new chapters would get started. As you can see, this goal goes hand in hand with our goal of hiring a full-time lobbyist. Our third priority is the creation and distribution of a high school-level national security education curriculum. The dominance of anti-American, anti-Israel, and pro-Islamist bias in high school courses, curriculum and textbooks must be confronted, or we run the risk of losing the next generation of young people. Various objective reviews of these courses and textbooks reveal that our young people are being taught an inaccurate and even dishonest representation of Islam that does not line up with the history or the doctrines of Islam. This is nothing less than the brainwashing of our children to accept a false, whitewashed version of Islam. In partnership with our education and research organization, American Congress for Truth, our objective is to create a national security curriculum that will provide high school students with a basic understanding of what national security is, why and how we must maintain it, and how ideologies like radical Islam threaten it. Once created, we will provide this curriculum, free of charge, to any public, private, or home education high school that wants it and agrees to use it. To our knowledge no such curriculum exists. For the sake of our youth and our future security we must make this happen. Our fourth priority is to greatly expand the reach of our “Citizens in Action” training conference, and other educational tools we develop next year, through the use of web technologies. It’s imperative our membership and number of chapters continues to grow, but it’s just as important that we help every one of our members and chapter leaders to be more effective members of our citizen action network. Imagine how many more of you our members we will be able to reach when you can view each session of our training conferences on your computer in the comfort of your home! These four priorities are like every project we launch or action item we undertake, in that they are designed to do two things:
But whatever happens rest assured we will continue to work hard to fulfill our mission, to better protect America and your family from the threat of radical Islam. Always devoted, Brigitte Gabriel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT for America P.O. Box 6884 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure. Do not respond to this e-mail for any reason. To discontinue your membership automatically please, follow the link below. You are registered to receive email as Charles Pedley at the following e-mail address: You must use the correct e-mail address to discontinue your membership. HOW CAN I TELL OTHERS ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION? Send a personalized version of this message to your friends. HOW CAN I SUPPORT YOUR ORGANIZATION? Click here to give an online donation. |
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