Wake up America |
Posted: 12 Nov 2008 12:16 PM CST It is that time again to help our military!! So listen up! From Project Valour-IT: The Valour-IT Veterans Day fundraiser, a friendly competition among blogs, will run through November 27, 2008 (Thanksgiving). See below for info on donating or joining the competition. You can join in here, I have joined the Army Team this year again, choose whatever team you wish. Donation Button HTML Codes HERE (for all teams) A description of what Valour-IT is and why it is important to do everything possible to help again this year: Every cent raised for Project Valour-IT goes directly to the purchase and shipment of laptops and other technology for severely wounded service members. As of November 2008, Valour-IT has distributed over 2700 laptops to severely wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines across the country, and is now expanding its mission to include other technology that supports physical and psychological recovery. More here. If you own a blog, join a team, if not, then donate what you can to help, if you cannot afford to do so, pass this along to everyone you know. No matter what your situation, you can find a way to help our men and women in the military....please consider doing so. (Note from WUA- We do not do fundraisers here as a rule, we link to them, we will advertise them if we feel they are important, but each year, whenever Soldiers Angels holds a fundraiser, we join in proudly. This group helps our troops, our men and women who signed on to protect us, take care of us and offer their lives to do so.) . |
Obama-Malley: Positioning Against Israel? Posted: 12 Nov 2008 11:35 AM CST Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook Robert Malley ![]() Yasser Arafat ![]() In May 2008, TimesOnline reported that Barack Obama had "sacked" Robert Malley, his foreign policy adviser, who admitted to "regular contact" with Hamas, a U.S. State Department designated terrorist organization. November 5, 2008 Middle East Newsline's Washington office quoted Obama aides saying that he had dispatched his "senior foreign policy adviser Robert Malley" to Egypt and Syria "over the last few weeks. The aides said Malley, who served in the administration of President Bill Clinton, relayed a pledge from Obama that the United States would seek to enhance relations with Cairo as well as reconcile with Damascus. "The tenor of the messages was that the Obama administration would take into greater account Egyptian and Syrian interests," an aide said. "The tenor of the messages was that the Obama administration would take into greater account Egyptian and Syrian interests," an aide to Malley was quoted as saying. The aide said Obama plans to launch a U.S. diplomatic initiative toward Syria. Malley met both Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad "to explain Obama's agenda for the Middle East."Israel National News November 11, 2008: So was Malley fired by Obama for close ties to Hamas, or told to lie-low until the name Malley was off the political radar? And does Malley deserve scrutiny? Here's a look at Robert Malley's well-documented background: American Thinker
Lasky, five months before the supposed sacking of Malley from the Obama team, asks these questions: From another Lasky American Thinker article, Barack Obama and Israel: One seemingly consistent theme running throughout Barack Obama's career is his comfort with aligning himself with people who are anti-Israel advocates...Early on in his career he chose a church headed by a former Black Muslim who is a harsh anti-Israel advocate and who may be seen as tinged with anti-Semitism. This church is a member of a denomination whose governing body has taken a series of anti-Israel actions.Lasky discusses Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright: Wright routinely compares Israel to apartheid South Africa and considers blacks "The Chosen People". Wright sees his role not just as a religious counselor but also as an educator and political activist. As part of his schooling, he has posted [this] tutorial...So the question is, do we believe the Middle East Online report that Malley has continued to be a close adviser to Obama, even after he was supposedly sacked? Has Malley been in the Middle East recently on behalf of President-Elect Barack Obama. Bloggers repeatedly attempted to draw attention to the risks an Obama presidency posed to Israel, while the MSM refused to cover it, even knowing that Malley was a life-long anti-Semite. It's curious that American Jews didn't hesitate to vote for Barack Obama. Related: Obama's Israel-Hating Advisor - Robert Malley The Robert Malley - Arafat Connection |
Moderate Democrats Attacked By Obama Cultists For Daring To Question 'The One' Posted: 12 Nov 2008 11:39 AM CST Anyone that has provided links to Barack Obama's questionable ties, his contradictory pledges that do not match his actions or previous votes, his connections to criminals and terrorists, his stated philosophies or any other information that is documented that shows him to be hypocritical or not telling the public the truth, inevitably finds themselves inundated with comments from the "Obama Cult." One would expect this to be a Right/Left issue. Obama, the far left Democrat being criticized by the Republicans and members from the right, so the Obama cultists run from comment section to comment section, ignoring the links provided, ignoring the documented information made available to defend "the one" without regard to the legitimate questions asked. Anyone with a blog, forum or comment section has witnessed these Obama cults in action, even now, after the election is over. This piece isn't about the battle to from the right to get information out about the "chosen one", nope, this is about how the "Obama Cult" will go all out to attack moderate Democrats, moderate liberals, that dare speak anything but the gospel about Obama. I have been going through a few liberal blogs to see whether the left is finally happy. After all, their candidate won the election, it should be a time to celebrate for them. They should be smiling, enjoying the win, right? Some are, but those folks cannot just enjoy, they now have gone on the attack against anyone in their own party that dares to criticize Obama. I have made it a point to always separate the moderate Democrats from the far far left extreme liberals of that party, just as I separate the moderate Republicans from the far far right extreme version of our party, and below I will offer an example of why I have always done so. I have always said extremism from either party is dangerous. What do I mean by "extremism?" Members of a party that are so busy "explaining", "excusing" or "justifying", "defending" their candidates and party, that they refuse to acknowledge the problems, the legitimate questions or the documented evidence showing a problem within their own party. In this case, the "extremists" are the Obama Cult members and the moderates of the party are those that backed Obama, against the Republicans, for their own reasons whether I agree with those reasons or not and were still were reasonable enough to not blindly try to excuse, justify, defend or explain the information brought out, but instead they were reasonable and honorable enough to ask the questions. Their crime, in the eyes of the Obama Cult, is that they demand accountability from Barack Obama. Which brings me to the example of Big Tent Democrat over at Talk Left and John Cole over at Balloon Juice who takes offense at BTD for daring to question "the one" about his positions. The latest infighting started when BTD from Talk Left criticized Obama for his position on torture in a piece called "Obama Transition Team "Clarifies" Position On Torture: He May Be For It."
Evidently, a Democrat who dares point out a position of Obama's they do not agree with is considered a "wanker" by Cole from Balloon Juice, who sends them a message, via his blog, saying: Just please shut the fuck up until he actually does something you disagree with, you WATB. Hillary Clinton wouldn't have been any better. We are at the end of an eight year nightmare and you loudmouth morons are cutting off Obama at the knees before he even sets foot in the damned White House as President. Wankers. BTD responded: As expected, the Obama Cult does not like to read any questioning of their Dear Leader. Then of course the Obama Cultist member, Cole, declares that any moderate Democrat, ex-Hillary Clinton supporter, that officially backed Obama when Hillary lost the Democratic primaries, but didn't "fall in line" and refuse to question "the one", is nothing but a "concern troll." With Democrats like this, who needs Red State? If there was anyone who was more tedious during this last election cycle than Armando, aka Big Tent Democrat, let me know. Besides turning one of my favorite sites, TalkLeft, into a pseudo-Puma cess-pool during the primaries (But he supports Obama, dont'cha know- speaking for him only!), BTD's bigger sin was dispensing bad advice to the Obama campaign on an almost daily basis. If concern trolling was an art form, BTD would be Michelangelo and the 2008 Democratic primary his Sistine Chapel. Of course Cole from BJ, doesn't bother actually providing any examples or any proof of his assertions. Obama cult members rarely do, but he excuses his lack of providing evidence by saying he has no "patience" to go through the archives and find such examples: Because I am short on patience, and, at heart, a compassionate person, I am not going to go through the TalkLeft archives and dig up where BTD gravely intones that Obama can not win the white vote, can not win the Jewish vote, can not win the Hispanic vote, and on and on. I will not dig up all the stupid god damned advice he gave to the Obama campaign (which they, thank GOD, ignored). I will not look up the umpteen posts where the left's own pompous village idiot warned that Obama could not win without Hillary on the ticket. I will not dig up the polling data that he consistently misread and always curiously interpreted as showing a need for Hillary on the ticket. I will let you do that for yourself, and you can enjoy your own historical retrospective into BTD's idiocy. Yes, I voted for Bush twice, but I proudly state I am not as stupid as BTD. Period. BTD at Talk Left notices that lack of examples and any evidence as well. The Cult is riled up. The funny thing is the Cult, as usual, never actually addresses what is written and then makes stuff up. Indeed, this is the Cult's modus operandi: Then BTD throws out the challenge to the Obama Cult member, Cole: Now, I defy the Cult to actually quote what I wrote. I can quote him. And I just did. Will he do the same? Now, some might think this is just a little "thing" between the two sites, but others, not only conservatives, have noticed the same type of behavior from the Oama Cult, as evidenced by Corrente:
So, all this does have a point, and that is: Obamabots aka Obama Cult members do not just run around from conservative blogs or forums to spew talking points, to defend, justify, distract or excuse Obama's flaws, faults, lies, ties or associations...... they do it to everyone, they just cannot seem to help themselves from defending their Cult leader. (Disclaimer- I have used Talk Left as an example previously of moderate Democrats that I disagree with on a policy level and philosophy level, yet I always made a point of showing respect for the fact that while we disagreed politically, they were capable of questioning their own party's choices, putting principle over party in many instances.) . |
More Lies From Obama, Re: Hamas Posted: 12 Nov 2008 09:40 AM CST Interesting piece over at PJM about secret meetings between team Obama and Hamas before the elections. Teaser: In an interview published Tuesday in the London-based Al-Hayat, Dr. Ahmad Yousef, political adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, said senior Hamas figures had held a secret meeting with advisers to Barack Obama in Gaza before the U.S. elections. Go read the rest. Not much different than when Barack Obama made critical statements about NAFTA, just to have secret memos show that part of his team was telling other countries that his public words were just "political posturing". This is not the first time that Barack Obama has shown his public statements do not match his actions and I am sure it will not be the last. Some would wonder why those celebrating an Obama win the most around the world, are the terrorist states and organizations themselves. Recently we saw that Jihadi leaders were celebrating Obama's win, the thug president from Iran, and al-Qeada. Terrorists seem to love the president elect, now THAT is change we can believe in, huh? . |
Video: Celebrating our Warriors in Las Vegas Posted: 11 Nov 2008 06:03 PM CST Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook YouTube.com |
Discovering Kryptonite, Disabling Superman Posted: 11 Nov 2008 05:19 PM CST Cross-posted by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook
The countless anti-Israel resolutions and related debates consume an astonishing proportion of the UN community's precious resources. This year, during the 61th Session of the General Assembly (2006-2007), the time spent by ambassadors on enacting the 22nd anti-Israel resolution of the year was time not spent on passing a single resolution on Sudan's genocide in Darfur.Anne Bayefsky, writing for National Review Online, looks at the future of U.S.-U.N. relations with Obama in the Oval Office, and looks back at the mistakes of George W. Bush. U.N. American Agenda National Review Online by Anne Bayefsky Nobody is happier about the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States than the folks at the United Nations. It is as if they finally discovered kryptonite, and Superman will soon be disabled. The U.N. is an uncomplicated place. Every sick, unsatiated tyrant, European has-been, or miserable wretch brainwashed about the Great Satan wants to take America down – unless they are able to immigrate of course. Their modus operandi? The United Nations. The beauty of it, from the perspective of the majority, is that Americans are paying for their own demise. Americans are even convinced that the flagellation must be deserved. President Obama will take over from where what might be called "Bush III" left off. The foreign policy of Bush II was so different than that of the man currently in office, it's hard to ascribe them to the same human being. Even die-hard U.N. enthusiasts admit they were pleased with many aspects of the American-UN relationship over the last few years, particularly after Bush III fed Bush II's U.N. ambassador John Bolton to the wolves. Ongoing genocide in Darfur was shuffled off to the ponderous International Criminal Court. The Israel-Lebanon war was "solved" with a Security Council resolution. The U.N. reform package, and any serious effort at economic oversight after Kofi Annan's Oil-for-food scandal, was tossed out the window. The green light was given to a multi-billion dollar renovation of U.N. headquarters in midtown Manhattan, notwithstanding advice that it could have done for a fraction of the cost. Efforts to tie reform or accountability to American U.N. contributions were abandoned, and five billion a year flows smoothly from American taxpayers to U.N. bank accounts. On November 13, 2008, Bush III will chum around with Saudi mobster King Abdullah at U.N. premises in New York. The occasion is a Saudi-initiated event on "a culture of peace" which a U.N. spokesperson describes as "religious dialogue, plus." The spectacle completes the Bush III metamorphosis. Think back to the image of Christian American soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia in order to protect the country from Saddam Hussein, but forced to hide the crosses around their necks because their public display is a criminal act in the Kingdom? Bush III notwithstanding, President Obama will have what his friends will call an unprecedented opportunity to tie American foreign policy to the U.N. ship of state, lance it down, and sail off into the sunset, never to be separated again. The predicament of the Saudi wife would be an apt comparison. The U.N. apparatus has mapped out the priorities for President Obama's early days in office (taking it for granted he'll be hightailing it out of Iraq), and the only question is how fast President Obama will say "I do." Here's the plan now sitting on the President-elect's desk: All that remains is for President Obama to put a date beside each one of the items on the U.N.'s first "to do" list. And down we'll go. — Anne Bayefsky is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and at Touro College. She is also editor of www.EyeontheUN.org |
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