Wake up America |
Businesses, Blacks and Mormons Targeted By Gay Activists Posted: 15 Nov 2008 10:35 AM CST ![]() Proposition 8, which was a measure on some ballots in the November elections, passed with 52 percent of the vote in California. Prop 8 was a ban against gay or same-sex marriage. Recently we have brought news about Michigan Liberals from the Back Bash gay activist group attacking a church during services as well as other backlash against those that fought to get Prop 8 passed. It has been 11 days since the election and the protests, violence and boycotts, has escalated against people, groups, churches and businesses that supported Proposition 8 and helped it to get passed. Whether the measure is right or wrong, it was put on the ballot, it was voted on and it was passed by the majority, which is how our system works. People also own their vote and have the legal right to contribute and to help further their "cause," whether that cause is right or wrong. This proposition will see the courtroom, no doubt about that as gay activists and groups that were opposed to Prop 8 challenge the legality in court. Again, that is how things work within our system. According to TIME, Mormons and blacks are being targeted by gay activists: The Mormon Church is not the only group being singled out for criticism. African-Americans, 70% of whom voted yes on Proposition 8, according to a CNN exit poll, have become a target. According to eyewitness reports published on the Internet, racial epithets have been used against African-Americans at protests in California, directed even at blacks who are fighting to repeal Proposition 8. The LA Times reports on this as well: ![]()
TIME also reports that the campaign manager for Yes on Proposition 8, Frank Schubert, states, "No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights." That truly does seem to be the bottom line here. No matter where you stand on an issue, if it is on a public ballot to be voted on, then each person has the legal right to vote as they choose without fear of intimidation or harm. Perhaps the activists should take aim at officials or laws that made it legal to put the measure on the ballot to begin with, instead of targeting people that fought for what they believed in. Gay activists that are acting like children, stomping their feet and having a temper tantrum, vandalizing churches, publishing personal information about people that dared oppose your point of view, is nothing short of intimidation and should not be tolerated at all. When judgments come down in favor of gay rights, gay activists like to proclaim loudly that it is the Democratic way, the people have spoken and all that jazz, yet when the people vote, by a majority, slim or not, and 52 percent IS a majority, against something those same activists do not agree with, they act like out of control little spoiled brats. Guess what folks? Life isn't always fair and sometimes the majority of voters do not agree with a minority group, it happens, grow the hell up and deal with it and work harder next time to get your own proposals passed, but stop acting out and showing your own intolerance while proclaiming that others are intolerant of you. That simply makes you look hypocritical. (Disclaimer- Readers will notice that I have not voiced an opinion on gay-marriage in and of itself, nor will I. I have no dog in this race. The post is about our Republic which holds Democratic elections and how the people vote and laws, propositions and amendments get voted on, passed or rejected by the people. Either respect the system or work to change it, but think long and hard about trying to intimidate people, for it can and will come back to bite you in the ass in other areas.) . |
Posted: 15 Nov 2008 10:34 AM CST Way back at the beginning of the US election cycle, I made the mistake of writing to the Obama camp to share my opinion on something. Since that day, I have been getting at LEAST three emails a day asking me for money, and I am REALLY sick of it. I was optimistic that once Obama was officially President-elect (or lost the election), that the begging barrage would stop! Not so far. For many weeks, I have been getting emails in two of my email accounts, thanking me for my contributions, and assuring me that "it is people like you", etc etc.. Apart from chuckling - at first - that it really MIGHT be people like me that helped elect Obama, as every email from them trumpeted, let me assure any and all that the tone of that initial, fateful, email was anything BUT complimentary. I was actually taking them to task for something. No, don't ask what; that was way too long ago, and way too many Obama transgressions ago, for me to remember.... Go read the rest at NewsBlaze here. |
Blogburst: ACLU Demand Why Stalin Banner Removed Posted: 15 Nov 2008 10:04 AM CST Just for reference, the ACLU was founded by a Communist on Communist ideals, so it isn't a surprise they are freaking out a private art school to remove a banner displaying an image of Josef Stalin.
Blogburst by Stop the ACLU . |
Posted: 15 Nov 2008 08:20 AM CST |
VETS' GROUPS SUE VA FOR DELAYS IN BENEFITS Posted: 15 Nov 2008 07:48 AM CST From Poison Pen comes this:
Go read it all here. |
Posted: 14 Nov 2008 03:57 PM CST (Cross-posted from America Needs Me) Big fan of Michael Steele's here. As soon as I found out he was seeking to be Chairman of the Republican National Committee I was on board. I think Steele articulates the conservative vision better than almost any prominent Republican and is exactly the kind of leader the RNC needs. The RNC, along with GOP congressional leadership, has been dropping the ball a lot the last few years and some big changes are warranted. Steele hit several good points in a conference call this afternoon. The fact that he even held a conference call for bloggers is a sign that he's ready to take the RNC communications strategy into this part of the 21st century. He described current strategy as (paraphrasing) "Waving the Red, White and Blue and saying send us a check!" My experience with RNC in a nutshell. All these years and they still haven't figured out I'm not wealthy. Some highlights: Stop Whining: It's time to "wipe that dour look off our faces" now that the election is over. I couldn't agree more. The election wasn't a lurch toward liberalism, it was about our failure to lead when given the chance. "Ours is a party whose glass is half full. We've spilled a little along the way," but the outlook isn't all gloom and doom. Identity Politics: When asked if he'd be in a better place to critique Barack Obama because he's an African-American, Steele said, "It's because I'm an American that I can do that." Bad policies don't have color, according to Steele and should be attacked no matter the race or ethnicity of those making the policy. He feels that the party really mishandled this aspect during the campaign. Democrat Lite: Steele said that if had wanted to be a member of the Democratic party he would have joined it. He's apparently not interested in leading the party to a permanent seat on the fence. Party Advocacy: RNC will advocate for GOP leadership as long as they are consistent with the conservative principles of the party. Do we have a winner yet? Spending: It's imperative that legislators understand the money they are spending isn't their own. Hated the bailout. Communications Strategy: Steele said this is a "lock and load" moment for Republicans. He wants to build out a communications operation that encompasses every old and new means. He cited the Obama campaign's brilliance in this area, which is hard to deny. Steele wants to use communication to help decentralize the RNC and make people feel more connected. Steele also said we should "have some fun" with this. Agreed. New constituents aren't attracted to the angry idiot in the scary house at the end of the block. We have to stop being the "Get off my lawn!" party. He spoke about staying true to the issues but reworking the way we say things, which I think has been a need for a long time now. It's the reason I first noticed Steele. Politics is marketing and our marketing department has been horrible for years. Time for a new department head. The RNC doesn't need to promote from within the ranks. It needs new ranks. |
Utah Mormon Temple Evacuated After Receiving White Powder Substance Posted: 14 Nov 2008 11:28 AM CST Day 10 arrives and opponents of the gay marriage ban that passed in California are still throwing their hissy fits. Whether one agrees with the ban or not, it was put on the ballot, it was voted for, just as Barack Obama was voted for, and although conservatives aren't happy with the outcome of the presidential election, we understand it is a done deal. We will continue to bring information out about Obama and his policies, we will continue to question him as we see fit, that is our right, but we accept the election campaign season is over and we are looking forward to the elections of 2010, then 2012. Opponents of Proposition 8, which was the same-sex marriage ban, that passed with 52 percent of the vote, are not capable of understanding nor accepting that the vote happened and is a done deal, and now they have decided to act out in yet another unacceptable way. Letters containing a suspicious white powder were sent Thursday to Mormon temples in Los Angeles and Salt Lake City that were the sites of protests against the church's support of California's gay marriage ban. Unacceptable. . |
Valour-IT and Delta Bravo Sierra Posted: 14 Nov 2008 10:33 AM CST Delta Bravo Sierra is a daily comic strip from the brain of Mr Hooah! His wife, Mrs Hooah! (Claire) has her own blog which is where you can find DBS (and I write there, too!) Today's strip is so wonderful, and relates to Valour-IT, so I HAD to share it with you all: Be sure to check out Knee Deep in the Hooah! here. And if you have your own blog, why not add DBS in your own sidebar. I proudly have it on mine.:) |
Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:16 PM CST (Cross-posted from America Needs Me) Hey kids, look which Obama commie pal is suddenly newsworthy! William Ayers, the excrement who wasn't supposed to be named while The One was turning America into a big, gooey Oprah moment, is suddenly more fashionable than whatever those chicks on The Hills are wearing. Or not wearing. Take yourself back say, ten days or so and remember that anyone who brought up Ayers' name was racist. When Sarah Palin mentioned him she was accused of negative campaigning. The LA Times refused to release a video showing Ayers and Obama whooping it up with a terrorist thug who repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel. Not worth mentioning, don't ya know. Bottom line: Ayers wasn't to talked about because he really wasn't close to His Holiness. They just hung out. And served on a board together. But The Smartest Candidate Ever (sorry, Bill Clinton) didn't know anything about the guy. Now he's the belle of the Domestic Bombers Ball. His apology free book, Fugitive Days, is being reissued. It's always interesting to see that the anti-American scum are never shy about grabbing as much of the capitalist pig mother lode as they can. Ayers will be pimping the book on Good Morning Idiots Who Watch This Stuff tomorrow. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Obama team to accuse ABC of negative programming. President-elect Hope and Change's excuse about Ayers was that "he did despicable things when I was eight years old". Message to youth: It's all right to hang around with violent criminals if they are older than you. I am sure that we will be reminded that Ayers is now a respected academic (Whoa! Did your oxymoron alarm just start ringing too?), as are most of the remaining avowed communists in the United States. They live in the one world where federal grants and taxes still pay for everything so they're under the false impression that the Nanny Tit is the way to go. And we give them access to our children. Creepy! Perhaps it's time to stop calling it "media bias" and coin a new phrase. "Media Indoctrination" seems more fitting. We've seen how well it works with the Obama faithful. Very few of them know much about Barack Obama beyond what they've had spoon-fed to them by the foot-kissing MSM. Bring up actual facts and you'll hear stories about how moved they are by him or how many tears were shed during his acceptance speech. It's like living in a bad romance novel. Less than two weeks ago, anyone who mentioned William Ayers was a flame-fanning racist. Now that The One has ascended to power, he's worthy of an interview on national television. With a correspondent who is the son of a prominent Democrat. On the network that employs Charlie "Glasses On The End Of My Nose" Gibson, who conducted what is perhaps the most embarrassingly condescending political interview in broadcast history. But it's all fair, right? Yeah, me too. |
Roman Catholic Church Cuts Funding to ACORN Posted: 13 Nov 2008 03:38 PM CST The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops met this week in Baltimore and decided to cut all ties with ACORN. The Roman Catholic Church has cited complaints over voter registration fraud allegations as well as other questionable ACORN dealings. In June the brother of ACORN founder, Wade Rathke, was alleged to have embezzled nearly $1 million from ACORN. It was then that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) froze its contributions to the group. According to CNN, during the past ten years the CCHD has donated more than $7.3 million to ACORN projects. And $40,000 went to the Las Vegas, Nevada ACORN chapter “that was raided before the election in an investigation into fraudulent voter registration forms.” Roger Morin, auxiliary bishop of New Orleans, said that a church review, which was completed last November, found that ACORN no longer met funding standards. In addition to the embezzlement problem Morin said the registration fraud complaints "raise additional serious concerns." (See ACORN Voter Registration Fraud Issue Festers) “We simply had too many questions and concerns to permit further CCHD funding of ACORN groups”. . . .the ban on donations to ACORN won't be lifted "until and unless it is clear that CCHD funds will not go to an organization that has engaged in unlawful activities or voter registration fraud." ACORN Executive Director Steven Kest issued a statement stating that it was grateful for the church’s funding in the past and that ACORN was looking forward to continuing “discussions with CCHD officials and the bishops in the months ahead . . .”
Cross-posted from Faultline USA
Crisis At Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota Posted: 13 Nov 2008 01:52 PM CST Via an email from Hugh (thanks) I see that a blizzard in Wanblee, SD, at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, has left hundreds without electricity or running water. Up to 200 people have been spending the night at the Crazy Horse school, at first without blankets or beds, cooking the school's food, diapering babies with old clothes, and trying to stay warm through power from a generator. From Keloland: Families on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation are still without power and in need of supplies. The email I received: A blizzard at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in SD has left the people with no food, heat or help. No one is helping. No FEMA, no Red Cross, state or national response. The only help so far has come from a few groups online who have heard of the catastrphe. Can you help? Below is a list of persons/agencies I have contacted and sent to people I know in hopes they will contact them too. Here is a list of organizations that you can contact to help these folks: FEMA: FEMA-Correspondence-Unit@dhs.Red Cross: https://www.integrity-Or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or 1-800-257-7575 (Español) SD Governor http://www.state.sd.us/Bureau of Indian Affairs: http://www.doi.gov/contact.FoxNews: http://www.foxnews.com/story/CNN: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/Sen. John McCain http://mccain.senate.gov/Gov. Sarah Palin http://gov.state.ak.us/SD Sen Tim Johnson http://johnson.senate.gov/SD Sen John Thune http://thune.senate.gov/SD Sen Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin http://hersethsandlin.house.The President Comments@whitehouse.gov The Vice President Video, via YouTube, about the crisis below: . |
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